SB 803
Relating to a hearing for an alleged violation of community supervision by a defendant and the manner in which that defendant is required to appear before the court.
- Introduced Jan 16 2025
5787 S. Hampton Road Suite 385, Dallas, TX 75232
Phone 214-467-0123 Fax 214-467-0050Serving District 23
Relating to a hearing for an alleged violation of community supervision by a defendant and the manner in which that defendant is required to appear before the court.
Relating to the carrying of a firearm by a person who is a member of a criminal street gang; increasing a criminal penalty.
Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of a machine gun or a machine gun conversion device.
Relating to creating a criminal offense for the use of a notary seal or counterfeit seal on a fraudulent document or instrument.
West voted No
West voted No
West voted No
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