Washington Bills

sponsored by Mike Sells

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 1721 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Providing a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 30 2022
HB 1706 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Concerning truck drivers ability to access restroom facilities.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 27 2022
HB 1701 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Concerning law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system benefits.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 27 2022
HB 1691 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Concerning financial responsibility requirements related to oil spills.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 23 2022
HB 1699 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Permitting individuals retired from the public employees retirement system, the teachers retirement system, and the school employees retirement system additional opportunities to work for a school district for up to 1,040 hours per school year while in receipt of pension benefits until July 1, 2025.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 23 2022
HJM 4002 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Supporting the Jones Act.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 23 2022
HB 1688 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Protecting consumers from charges for out-of-network health care services, by aligning state law and the federal no surprises act and addressing coverage of treatment for emergency conditions.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 22 2022
HB 1687 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Enhancing the college bound scholarship program by increasing opportunities for students to attend community and technical colleges.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 22 2022
HB 1659 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Making higher education more affordable and accessible for students by bridging the gap between cost and need to reduce barriers, improve opportunity, and advance economic security.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 17 2022
HB 1640 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Creating the joint legislative tribal-state relations committee as an agency within the legislative branch.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 13 2022
HB 1630 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Establishing restrictions on the possession of weapons in certain locations.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 10 2022
HB 1625 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Specifying that space force reserve members who are officers or employees of the state of Washington or of any county, city, or other political subdivision have access to a period of paid military leave of absence from employment.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 09 2022
HB 1618 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Prohibiting weapons at election-related offices and facilities subject to limited exemptions for law enforcement officers and security personnel.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 08 2022
HB 1612 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Making technical cross-reference corrections in statutes governing unemployment insurance.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 07 2022
HB 1613 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Concerning shared reporting responsibilities for both the paid family and medical leave and the long-term services and supports trust programs to clarify that information collected from employer reports shall remain private.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 07 2022
HB 1601 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Expanding the students experiencing homelessness and foster youth pilot program.
Jan 10 2022 Prefiled For Introduction.
Dec 06 2022
HB 2008 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Eliminating the use of intelligence quotient scores in determining eligibility for programs and services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Jan 17 2022 Effective Date 6/9/2022.
Mar 31 2022
HB 1815 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Deterring catalytic converter theft.
Jan 06 2022 Effective Date 3/30/2022*.
Mar 30 2022
HB 1779 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Requiring policies addressing surgical smoke.
Jan 05 2022 Effective Date 1/1/2024.
Mar 24 2022
HB 1795 (2021-2022 Regular Session)
Prohibiting nondisclosure and nondisparagement provisions from employers regarding illegal acts of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wage and hour violations, and sexual assault.
Jan 06 2022 Effective Date 6/9/2022.
Mar 24 2022

Showing 1 to 20 of 455 bills