Brian Campion
- Democratic
- Senator
- Bennington
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, the refusal by the Governor to approve the bill notwithstanding?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, the Governor's refusal to approve the bill notwithstanding?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal by the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, nothwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal by the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal by the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal by the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending action: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor"s refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, nothwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, nothwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill??
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the refusal of the Governor to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithsatnding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill?
Pending Question: Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the Governor's refusal to approve the bill??
Governor vetoed bill on June 17, 2019
Delivered to Governor on June 11, 2019
Senate message, Vetoed by Governor June 17, 2019
As passed by Senate and House
House proposal of amendment concurred in on roll call requested by Senator Starr, Passed -- Needed 16 of 30 to Pass -- Yeas = 19, Nays = 11
New Business/House Proposal of Amendment
House proposal of amendment; text
Senate Message, House proposal of amendment concurred in
Rules suspended & messaged to House forthwith, on motion of Senator Ashe
Remarks of Senator Sears journalized
Entered on Notice Calendar
House Proposal of Amendment
House message House passed bill in concurrence with proposal(s) of amendment
Rep. Donahue of Northfield moved to amend the bill which was agreed to
Passed in concurrence with proposal of amendment
Roll Call Results Passed -- Needed 72 of 142 to Pass -- Yeas = 100, Nays = 42
Read Third time
Which was disagreed to
Roll Call Results Failed -- Needed 72 of 142 to Pass -- Yeas = 55, Nays = 87
Rep. Beck of St. Johnsbury, Houghton of Essex, Gannon of Wilmington, Bancroft of Westford, and Fagan of Rutland City moved to amend the bill
Rep. LaLonde of South Burlington moved to amend the bill which was agreed to
Read Second Time
Third Reading Ordered
Report of Committee on Judiciary agreed to.
Rep. LaLonde of South Burlington reported for the committee on Judiciary
Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Judiciary
Read 3rd time & passed
New Business/Third Reading
Favorable report with recommendation of amendment by Committee on Judiciary
3rd reading ordered on roll call, requested by Senator Parent, Passed -- Needed 15 of 29 to Pass -- Yeas = 21, Nays = 8
Recommendation of amendment by Committee on Judiciary agreed to on roll call, requested by Senator Brock, Passed -- Needed 15 of 29 to Pass -- Yeas = 21, Nays = 8
Read second time, reported favorably with recommendation of amendment by Senator Sears for Committee on Judiciary
New Business/Second Reading
Entered on Notice Calendar
Favorable report with recommendation of amendment by Committee on Judiciary
Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Judiciary
Bill Text Versions | Format |
As Introduced | |
Official | PDF PDF PDF |
Unofficial | PDF PDF PDF |
Document | Format |
Committee Meetings | HTML |
Witness List | HTML |
Data on Open States is updated periodically throughout the day from the official website of the Vermont General Assembly.
If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.