Vote on SF 621 - Shall the bill pass?

  • Bill: SF 621
  • Motion Text: Shall the bill pass?
  • Legislative Session: Iowa 2021-2022 Regular Session
  • Date: Oct 28, 2021
  • Outcome: Pass
Vote Totals
Yes 48
No 1
Absent 1
Abstain 0
Breakdown by Party Yes No Other
Democratic 14 0 1
Republican 27 1 0
Unknown 8 0 0

Roll Call

Name Party Vote
Carrie Koelker Republican Yes
Jeff Reichman Republican Yes
Shipley Yes
Smith, J. Yes
Smith, R. Yes
Taylor, J. Yes
Taylor, T. Yes
Trone Yes
Garriott Yes
Zach Wahls Democratic Yes
Zach Whiting Republican Yes
Williams Yes
Brad Zaun Republican Yes
Joe Bolkcom Democratic Yes
Waylon Brown Republican Yes
Claire Celsi Democratic Yes
Mark Costello Republican Yes
Adrian Dickey Republican Yes
Eric Giddens Democratic Yes
Dennis Guth Republican Yes
Tim Kraayenbrink Republican Yes
Liz Mathis Democratic Yes
Zach Nunn Republican Yes
Herman C. Quirmbach Democratic Yes
Amy Sinclair Republican Yes
Annette Sweeney Republican Yes
Jack Whitver Republican Yes
Dan Zumbach Republican Yes
Tony Bisignano Democratic Yes
Dan Dawson Republican Yes
Tim Goodwin Republican Yes
Craig Johnson Republican Yes
Jim Lykam Democratic Yes
Nate Boulton Democratic Yes
Chris Cournoyer Republican Yes
Dawn Driscoll Republican Yes
Julian Garrett Republican Yes
Jesse Green Republican Yes
Pam Jochum Democratic Yes
Kevin Kinney Democratic Yes
Mike Klimesh Republican Yes
Mark Lofgren Republican Yes
Janet Petersen Democratic Yes
Jim Carlin Republican Yes
Jake Chapman Republican Yes
Bill Dotzler Democratic Yes
Jeff Edler Republican Yes
Amanda Ragan Democratic Yes
Jason Schultz Republican Yes
Ken Rozenboom Republican No
Robert Hogg Democratic Absent


Data on Open States is updated periodically throughout the day from the official website of the Iowa General Assembly.

If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.