Vote on AB 1618 - Assembly 2nd Reading AB1618 Committee on BUDGET (Blumenfield) Urgency Clause

  • Bill: AB 1618
  • Motion Text: Assembly 2nd Reading AB1618 Committee on BUDGET (Blumenfield) Urgency Clause
  • Legislative Session: California 2009-2010 Regular Session
  • Date: Oct 08, 2010
  • Outcome: Fail
Vote Totals
Breakdown by Party Yes No Other
Democratic 17 4 2
Republican 6 5 1
Unknown 4 1 0

Roll Call

Name Party Vote
Robert Dutton Republican Yes
Calderon Yes
Lowenthal Yes
Mimi Walters Republican Yes
Mark DeSaulnier Democratic Yes
Negrete Yes
Runner Yes
Elaine Alquist Democratic Yes
Alex Padilla Democratic Yes
Ellen Corbett Democratic Yes
Tom Harman Republican Yes
Christine Kehoe Democratic Yes
Carol Liu Democratic Yes
Fran Pavley Democratic Yes
Curren D Price Democratic Yes
Bill Emmerson Republican Yes
Gilbert Cedillo Democratic Yes
Dean Florez Democratic Yes
Denise Moreno Ducheny Democratic Yes
Roy Ashburn Republican Yes
Dennis Hollingsworth Republican Yes
Gloria Negrete McLeod Democratic Yes
Gloria Romero Democratic Yes
Joseph Simitian Democratic Yes
Darrell Steinberg Democratic Yes
Mark Leno Democratic Yes
Roderick Wright Democratic Yes
Jeff Denham Republican No
Lou Correa Democratic No
Strickland No
Lois Wolk Democratic No
Dave Cogdill Republican No
Sam Blakeslee Ph.D. Republican No
Mark Wyland Republican No
Leland Yee Democratic No
Loni Hancock Democratic No
Bob Huff Republican No
Jenny Oropeza Democratic Not Voting
Patricia Wiggins Democratic Not Voting
Sam Aanestad Republican Not Voting


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