Virginia Bills

sponsored by Shelly Simonds

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 1252 (2024 Regular Session)
Limitation on sentence upon revocation of suspension of sentence; technical violations.
Jan 10 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
SB 696 (2024 Regular Session)
Marijuana-related offenses; modification of sentence.
Jan 19 2024 Requires 2/3 Members Present
Apr 17 2024
HB 805 (2024 Regular Session)
Sales and use tax, local; additional tax authorized in counties & cities to support schools.
Jan 09 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
HB 812 (2024 Regular Session)
License plates, special; repeals references to Sons of Confederate Veterans and Robert E. Lee.
Jan 09 2024 Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 P.M., May 17, 2024
Apr 17 2024
HB 1415 (2024 Regular Session)
Historic structures; civil penalty for demolition.
Jan 17 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0835)
Apr 17 2024
HB 974 (2024 Regular Session)
Workers' compensation; employee may satisfy burden of proof by circumstantial evidence.
Jan 09 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
HB 972 (2024 Regular Session)
Defendant; prohibiting inquiry into immigration status, notification of consequences.
Jan 09 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
HB 161 (2024 Regular Session)
Individuals experiencing or reporting overdoses while incarcerated; disciplinary procedures.
Jan 02 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
HB 819 (2024 Regular Session)
Health insurance; coverage for contraceptive drugs and devices.
Jan 09 2024 Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 P.M., May 17, 2024
Apr 17 2024
HB 1157 (2024 Regular Session)
Federally recognized Tribal Nations in the Commonwealth; agencies to consult on permits and reviews.
Jan 10 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0830)
Apr 17 2024
HB 624 (2024 Regular Session)
English language learner students; ratios of instructional positions, At-Risk Program established.
Jan 09 2024 Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 P.M., May 17, 2024
Apr 17 2024
HB 1454 (2024 Regular Session)
Limited-duration licenses and driver privilege cards and permits; extends validity.
Jan 18 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
HB 990 (2024 Regular Session)
Employer seeking wage or salary history of prospective employees; prohibited.
Jan 09 2024 House Sustained Governor's Veto
Apr 17 2024
HB 1269 (2024 Regular Session)
Barrier crimes; adult substance abuse and mental health services, exception.
Jan 10 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0651)
Apr 08 2024
HB 580 (2024 Regular Session)
Animal testing facilities; DACR shall convene task force to identify potential deficiencies.
Jan 09 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0693)
Apr 08 2024
HB 1247 (2024 Regular Session)
Public school funding; ratios of instructional positions to English language learner students.
Jan 10 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0743)
Apr 08 2024
HB 827 (2024 Regular Session)
On-campus food insecurity; SCHEV to survey institutions to determine how they are addressing issue.
Jan 09 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0644)
Apr 08 2024
HB 102 (2024 Regular Session)
Court-appointed counsel; raises the limitation of fees.
Dec 30 2023 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0714)
Apr 08 2024
HB 1268 (2024 Regular Session)
Community corrections alternative program; evaluation and diagnosis to determine eligibility.
Jan 10 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0650)
Apr 08 2024
HB 855 (2024 Regular Session)
Home Energy Assistance Program; Bd. of Social Svcs. to allow applications to be submitted all year.
Jan 09 2024 Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (Chap0734)
Apr 08 2024

Showing 21 to 40 of 875 bills