Josh Thomas
- Democratic
- Delegate
- District 21
Siting of data centers; site assessment; high energy use facility. Provides that prior to any approval of a rezoning application, special exception, or special use permit for the siting of a new high energy use facility (HEUF), as defined in the bill, a locality shall require that an applicant perform and submit a site assessment to examine the sound profile of the HEUF on residential areas and schools within 500 feet of the HEUF property boundary. The bill also allows a locality to require that a site assessment examine the effect of the proposed facility on (i) water, (ii) agricultural resources, (iii) parks, (iv) registered historic sites, and (v) forestland on the HEUF site or immediately contiguous land. The provisions of the bill shall not apply to a site with an existing legislative or administrative approval where an applicant is seeking an expansion or modification of an already existing or approved facility and such expansion does not exceed an additional 100 megawatts or more of electrical power. Finally, the bill provides that its provisions shall not be construed to prohibit, limit, or otherwise supersede existing local zoning authority.
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 1 of Chapter 22 of Title 15.2 a section numbered 15.2-2209.4, relating to siting of data centers; site assessment; high energy use facility.
No votes to display
Referred to Committee on Local Government
Constitutional reading dispensed (on 1st reading)
Read third time and passed House (57-Y 40-N)
Read second time
Counties, Cities and Towns Amendments agreed to
Engrossed by House as amended
Printed as engrossed 25102219D-E
Read first time
Impact statement from CLG (HB1601)
Reported from Counties, Cities and Towns with amendment(s) (13-Y 9-N)
Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (5-Y 3-N)
Assigned CCT sub: Subcommittee #2
Referred to Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns
Prefiled and ordered printed; Offered 01-08-2025 25102219D
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Engrossed | HTML PDF |
Counties, Cities and Towns Amendments | HTML |
Introduced | HTML PDF |
Document | Format |
Impact statement from CLG (HB1601) |
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