Creigh Deeds
- Democratic
- Senator
- District 11
Siting of energy facilities; approval by theState Corporation Commission. Establishes a procedure under whichan electric utility or independent power provider (applicant) is able to obtain approval for a certificate from the State CorporationCommission for the siting of an energy facility rather than fromthe governing body of a locality. Under the bill, applicants areauthorized to submit an application to the Commission if (i) thelocality fails to timely approve or deny an application; (ii) theapplication complies with certain requirements for Commission approval,but a host locality denies the application; or (iii) the localityamends its zoning ordinance after it has notified the applicant that its requirements are compatible with the requirements for Commissionapproval, and the amendment imposes additional requirements thatare more restrictive. The bill provides that an applicant who isissued a certificate by the Commission for an energy facility isexempt from obtaining approvals or permits, including any land useapprovals or permits under the regulations and ordinances of thelocality. The bill applies to anysolar energy facility with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more, anywind energy facility with a capacity of 100 megawatts or more, andany energy storage facility with a nameplate capacity of 50 megawattsor more and an energy discharge capability of 200 megawatt hours or more.
Continued to 2025 in Commerce and Labor (15-Y 0-N)
Impact statement from SCC (SB567)
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104898D
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104898D | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB567F171.PDF |
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