Lamont Bagby
- Democratic
- Senator
- District 14
Health insurance; emergency services; mobile crisis response services. Provides that emergency services, with respect to an emergency medical condition, include, as it relates to any mental health services or substance abuse services rendered at a behavioral health crisis service provider, (i) a behavioral health assessment that is within the capability of a behavioral health crisis service provider, including ancillary services routinely available to evaluate such emergency medical condition, and (ii) such further examination and treatment, to the extent that they are within the capabilities of the staff and facilities available at the behavioral health crisis service provider, as are required so that the patient's condition does not deteriorate. This bill is identical to HB 601.
Health insurance; emergency services; mobile crisis response services. Provides that emergency services, with respect to an emergency medical condition, include, as it relates to any mental health services or substance abuse services rendered at a behavioral health crisis service provider, (i) a behavioral health assessment that is within the capability of a behavioral health crisis service provider, including ancillary services routinely available to evaluate such emergency medical condition, and (ii) such further examination and treatment, to the extent that they are within the capabilities of the staff and facilities available at the behavioral health crisis service provider, as are required so that the patient's condition does not deteriorate.
Health insurance; emergency services; mobilecrisis response services. Provides that emergency services, with respect to an emergency medical condition, include (i) a screeningexamination, including ancillary services, that is within the capability of a provider licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health andDevelopmental Services as a behavioral health crisis service providerand (ii) such further examination and treatment as is required tostabilize the patient. The bill also adds crisis receiving centersto locations where mobile crisis response services and support maybe provided and thereby be covered by health insurance.
Approved by Governor-Chapter 360 (effective 7/1/24)
Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0360)
Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., April 8, 2024
Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2024
Signed by President
Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB543ER)
Signed by Speaker
Impact statement from DPB (SB543ER)
House amendments agreed to by Senate (39-Y 0-N)
Committee amendments agreed to
VOTE: Block Vote Passage (98-Y 0-N)
Passed House with amendments BLOCK VOTE (98-Y 0-N)
Engrossed by House as amended
Read third time
Read second time
Reported from Labor and Commerce with amendment(s) (22-Y 0-N)
Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
Placed on Calendar
Read first time
Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute SB543S1
Passed Senate (40-Y 0-N)
Constitutional reading dispensed (40-Y 0-N)
Read second time
Committee substitute agreed to 24107088D-S1
Reading of substitute waived
Constitutional reading dispensed (39-Y 0-N)
Reported from Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)
Impact statement from DPB (SB543S1)
Senate committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
Committee substitute printed 24107088D-S1
Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (15-Y 0-N)
Impact statement from DPB (SB543)
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103447D
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103447D | PDF HTML |
Committee substitute printed 24107088D-S1 | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB543FER122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB543FS1122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB543F122.PDF | |
Amendment: SB543AHE | HTML |
Amendment: SB543AH | HTML |
Data on Open States is updated periodically throughout the day from the official website of the Virginia General Assembly.
If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.