Aaron Rouse
- Democratic
- Senator
- District 22
Voter registration; list maintenance activities; cancellation procedures; required record matches; required identification information; data standards. Requires certain, specified identification information to be included on the lists received by the Department of Elections for list maintenance purposes and requires the Department, upon receiving any such list, to do an initial comparison of the information included on such list with the list of registered voters and determine the confidence score for any match. Matches with a confidence score of at least 80 are transmitted to the appropriate general registrars. The bill prohibits the use of voter data received from another state or jurisdiction or through a list comparison for list maintenance purposes when the data file does not include a unique identifier for each individual whose information is contained in the data file. The bill requires the Department of Elections to annually review all sources of data utilized for list maintenance activities for the purpose of determining the validity, completeness, accuracy, and reliability of the data received from each source, and to include the results of such review in its annual report to the Committees on Privileges and Elections regarding its list maintenance activities. The bill requires the general registrars to send notice prior to cancelling a voter's record regardless of the reason for cancellation. Lastly, the bill clarifies that when a voter's registration is canceled, a cancellation record must be created, and that such records are public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and the National Voter Registration Act. The bill includes numerous technical amendments for organizational purposes. This bill is identical to HB 904.
Voter registration; list maintenance activities; required identification information; required record matches; cancellation procedures. Requires certain, specified identification information to be included on the lists received by the Department of Elections for list maintenance purposes and requires the Department, upon receiving any such list, to do an initial comparison of the information included on such list with the list of registered voters and determine the confidence score for any match. Matches with a confidence score of at least 80 are transmitted to the appropriate general registrars. The bill requires the general registrars to send notice prior to cancelling a voter's registration regardless of the reason for cancellation. Lastly, the bill clarifies that when a voter's registration is cancelled, a cancellation record must be created and that such records are public in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and the National Voter Registration Act. The bill includes technical amendments for organizational purposes.
Voter registration; list maintenance activities;required identification information; required record matches; cancellationprocedures. Requires certain, specified identification informationto be included on the lists received by the Department of Electionsfor list maintenance purposes and requires the Department, upon receivingany such list, to do an initial comparison of the information includedon such list with the list of registered voters to identify recordmatches. Depending on which identification information matches, theDepartment either transmits the information to the appropriate generalregistrar to initiate the cancellation process or notifies the appropriategeneral registrar who may then initiate the confirmation notificationprocess. The bill requires the general registrars to send notice prior to cancelling a voter's registration regardless of the reasonfor cancellation. Lastly, the bill clarifies that when a voter'sregistration is cancelled, a cancellation record must be createdand that such records are public in accordance with the VirginiaFreedom of Information Act and the National Voter Registration Act.The bill includes technical amendments for organizational purposes.
Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., May 17, 2024
Communicated to Governor
Senate rejected Governor's recommendation (19-Y 21-N)
Governor's recommendation received by Senate
Impact statement from DPB (SB300ER)
Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 27, 2024
Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., April 8, 2024
Signed by Speaker
Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB300ER)
Signed by President
Title replaced 24108041D-H1
House substitute agreed to by Senate (21-Y 19-N)
Committee substitute agreed to 24108041D-H1
VOTE: Passage (54-Y 45-N)
Passed House with substitute (54-Y 45-N)
Engrossed by House - committee substitute SB300H1
Read third time
Read second time
Impact statement from DPB (SB300H1)
Reported from Privileges and Elections with substitute (13-Y 8-N)
Committee substitute printed 24108041D-H1
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
Referred from Education
Referred to Committee on Education
Read first time
Placed on Calendar
Read third time and passed Senate (21-Y 19-N)
Reading of substitute waived
Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute SB300S1
Committee substitute agreed to 24106255D-S1
Read second time
Constitutional reading dispensed (39-Y 0-N)
Reported from Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N)
Impact statement from DPB (SB300S1)
Senate committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
Committee substitute printed 24106255D-S1
Reported from Privileges and Elections with substitute (8-Y 6-N)
Impact statement from DPB (SB300)
Senate committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
Incorporates SB224 (Rouse)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103696D
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103696D | PDF HTML |
Committee substitute printed 24106255D-S1 | PDF HTML |
Committee substitute printed 24108041D-H1 | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB300FER122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB300FH1122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB300FS1122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: SB300F122.PDF | |
Amendment: SB300AG | HTML |
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