Vivian Watts
- Democratic
- Delegate
- District 14
Vehicle exhaust systems; inspection and administrative fee. Prohibits passenger car exhaust systems from emitting noise in excess of 95 decibels in Planning District 8 on any highway; driveway or premises of a church, school, recreational facility, or business; any governmental property open to the public; any industrial establishment providing parking space for customers, patrons, or employees; and any highway under construction or not yet open to the public. The bill allows, in Planning District 8, a law-enforcement officer to stop a passenger car he determines is emitting exhaust system noise in excess of such limit and issue a notice of an administrative fee of $250 to be assessed at the time of the vehicle's next registration renewal and establishes a process for inspecting such vehicle. The bill has a contingent effective date of January 1, 2025, provided that the Department of Environmental Quality has received the necessary funding to supply the necessary equipment for such vehicle exhaust system inspections to inspection stations. The bill sunsets on July 1, 2027.
Vehicle exhaust systems; inspection and administrativefee. Prohibits passenger vehicle exhaust systems from emittingnoise in excess of 95 decibels in Planning District 8 on any highway; driveway or premises of a church, school, recreational facility,or business; any governmental property open to the public; any industrialestablishment providing parking space for customers, patrons, oremployees; and any highway under construction or not yet open tothe public. The bill allows, in PlanningDistrict 8, a law-enforcement officer to stop a passenger vehiclehe determines is emitting exhaust system noise in excess of suchlimit and issue a notice of an administrative fee of $250 to be assessedat the time of the vehicle's next registration renewal and establishesa process for inspecting such vehicle. Thebill has a contingent effective date of January 1, 2025, providedthat the Department of Motor Vehicles has received the necessary fundingto supply the necessary equipment for such vehicle exhaust systeminspections to inspection stations. The bill sunsets on July 1, 2027.
Continued to 2025 in Finance and Appropriations (12-Y 3-N)
Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
Reported from Transportation (8-Y 7-N)
Impact statement from DPB (HB884H1)
Constitutional reading dispensed
Referred to Committee on Transportation
VOTE: Passage (55-Y 42-N)
Read third time and passed House (55-Y 42-N)
Committee substitute agreed to 24105951D-H1
Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB884H1
Read second time
Read first time
Reported from Appropriations (12-Y 8-N)
Subcommittee recommends reporting (5-Y 2-N)
Assigned App. sub: Transportation & Public Safety
Committee substitute printed 24105951D-H1
Referred to Committee on Appropriations
Reported from Transportation with substitute (18-Y 4-N)
House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered
Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (5-Y 3-N)
Assigned Transportation sub: Highway Safety and Policy
Referred to Committee on Transportation
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24102661D
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24102661D | PDF HTML |
Committee substitute printed 24105951D-H1 | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB884FH1122.PDF |
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