Israel O'Quinn
- Republican
- Delegate
- District 44
State Board of Elections; appointment of Commissioner of Elections. Provides for the appointment of the Commissioner of Elections to be made by the State Board of Elections; currently, the Governor makes such appointment. The appointment or removal of a Commissioner shall require an affirmative vote of four of the five members of the Board. The Commissioner shall be subject to confirmation and reconfirmation by the General Assembly every four years. If the Board fails to make or communicate an appointment of a Commissioner by the end of the term, the bill provides that the Commissioner serving at such time shall be deemed to be reappointed and shall be subject to reconfirmation at the next regular session. The bill has a delayed effective date of January 1, 2025.
State Board of Elections; membership; appointmentof Commissioner of Elections. Exempts the Department of Electionsfrom provisions allowing the Governor to appoint a chief deputy anda confidential assistant for policy or administration. The bill expandsthe membership of the State Board of Elections (the State Board)from five members to seven members. The bill also gives the StateBoard the authority and duty to appoint the Commissioner of Electionsof the Department of Elections and requires an affirmative vote offive of the State Board's seven members for the appointment and removalof the Commissioner of Elections. In the event that a vacancy occursin the office of the Commissioner of Elections, the bill providesthat the Director of Operations of the Department of Elections willserve as the head of the agency until such vacancy is filled by theState Board. The bill has a delayed effective date of January 1,2025.
Continued to 2025 in Privileges and Elections (8-Y 7-N)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
Constitutional reading dispensed
Read third time and passed House BLOCK VOTE (99-Y 0-N)
VOTE: Block Vote Passage (99-Y 0-N)
Read second time
Committee substitute agreed to 24107508D-H1
Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB742H1
Impact statement from DPB (HB742H1)
Read first time
Reconsidered by Privileges and Elections
House committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
Reported from Privileges and Elections with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
Committee substitute printed 24107508D-H1
Continued to 2025 in Privileges and Elections
Impact statement from DPB (HB742)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103196D
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103196D | PDF HTML |
Committee substitute printed 24107508D-H1 | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB742FH1122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB742F122.PDF |
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