HB 624

  • Virginia House Bill
  • 2024 Regular Session
  • Introduced in House Jan 09, 2024
  • Passed House Feb 13, 2024
  • Passed Senate Mar 06, 2024
  • Governor

English language learner students; ratios of instructional positions, At-Risk Program established.


Public school staffing and funding; National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund; At-Risk Program; English language learner students. Renames the National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund as the National Board Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund, expands eligibility for incentive grant awards from such Fund pursuant to such Program from solely teachers who have obtained national certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards to all public school staff who are candidates for initial national certification or maintenance of national certification to cover certain costs of obtaining or maintaining such certification and all public school staff who have successfully obtained or maintained such certification, and permits certain teachers to apply for additional incentive grants pursuant to such Program and Fund. The bill also establishes the At-Risk Program for the purpose of supporting programs and services for students who are educationally at risk, including prevention, intervention, or remediation activities required pursuant to relevant law, teacher recruitment programs and initiatives, programs for English language learners, the hiring of additional school counselors and other support staff, and other programs relating to increasing the success of disadvantaged students in completing a high school degree and providing opportunities to encourage further education and training. The bill also contains provisions relating to certain funding requirements for the At-Risk Program. Finally, the bill requires state funding to be provided pursuant to the general appropriation act to support ratios of instructional positions to English language learner students based on each such student's English proficiency level, as established in the general appropriation act. This bill is identical to SB 105.

Equity in public school funding; student need; English language learner and at-risk students. Amends Standard of Quality 2 by (i) requiring state funding to be provided to support ratios of instructional positions to English language learner students, based on each such student's English proficiency level, as established in the general appropriation act and (ii) (a) establishing the At-Risk Program for the purpose of supporting programs and services for students who are educationally at risk, including prevention, intervention, or remediation activities required pursuant to Standard 1 (§ 22.1-253.13:1); teacher recruitment programs and incentives; Dropout Prevention; community and school-based truancy officer programs; Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID); Project Discovery; programs for English language learners; the hiring of additional school counselors, testing coordinators, and licensed behavior analysts; and programs relating to increasing the success of disadvantaged students in completing a high school degree and providing opportunities to encourage further education and training and (b) requiring a portion of the state funding provided for such At-Risk Program to be allocated to school divisions on a flat per-student percentage rate set out in the general appropriation act and a portion of such funding to be allocated to school divisions on a variable rate set out in the general appropriation act based on the concentration of poverty in the school division. As introduced, the bill was a recommendation of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission.

Equity in public school funding; student need; English language learner, special education, and at-risk students. Places several parameters on Standards of Quality funding calculations performed by the Department of Education, including (i) requiring the Department, when calculating the cost of salaries under the Standards of Quality funding formula, to include facilities staff and transportation staff salaries in the calculation of any cost of competing adjustment to salaries for instructional and support positions that is provided as part of the state share of basic aid pursuant to the general appropriation act; (ii) requiring the Department, when estimating the cost of any compensation supplement for instructional and support positions under the Standards of Quality funding formula, to include and estimate the cost of such a compensation supplement for facilities staff; (iii) prohibiting the Department from applying any cap on inflation rate adjustments to non-personal cost categories during the biennial process of rebenchmarking the direct aid to public education budget; and (iv) requiring the Department to utilize a three-year average of the most recently available data to calculate the composite index of local ability-to-pay for each school division. The bill also amends Standard of Quality 2 by (a) including in the definition of "support services position" any central office clerical position that is not otherwise set forth in such definition, (b) requiring a per-pupil Standards of Quality funding add-on to be provided for English language learner and special education students, (c) requiring, in addition to the positions supported by basic aid, state funding, pursuant to the general appropriation act, to be provided to cover the actual average school division cost to educate children with disabilities, and (d) establishing the At-Risk Program, defined in the bill as any state funding provided for programs of prevention, intervention, or remediation or pursuant to the at-risk add-on for the purpose of supporting programs for students who are educationally at risk. The bill requires (1) the determination of the amount of state funding for which a school division is eligible pursuant to such At-Risk Program to be based on the school division's identified student percentage, defined in the bill as the fraction, expressed as a percentage, that results from dividing the number of identified students enrolled in a school division by the total number of students enrolled in such school division, weighted by the factor of 1.5, and then adjusted by the addition of a percentage that corrects for undercounting English language learner students as identified students and (2) such funding to be distributed as follows: 60 percent on a flat per-student rate and 40 percent on a variable rate set out in the general appropriation act based on the concentration of poverty in the school division. The bill is a recommendation of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission.

Bill Sponsors (47)

Atoosa R. Reaser




Apr 17, 2024




House rejected Governor's recommendation (0-Y 100-N)

Office of the Governor

Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., May 17, 2024


Communicated to Governor

Apr 08, 2024


Governor's recommendation received by House

Mar 27, 2024

Office of the Governor

Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., April 8, 2024


Impact statement from DPB (HB624ER)


Enrolled Bill communicated to Governor on March 27, 2024

Mar 26, 2024


Signed by Speaker

Mar 25, 2024


Signed by President


Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB624ER)



Mar 09, 2024


Conference report agreed to by Senate (39-Y 1-N)

Mar 08, 2024


Conference substitute printed 24109132D-H3

Virginia General Assembly

Amended by conference committee


Conference report agreed to by House (82-Y 14-N)


VOTE: Adoption (82-Y 14-N)

Mar 07, 2024


Senators: Hashmi, Pekarsky, Pillion


Conferees appointed by House


Delegates: Rasoul, Cousins, Cherry


Senate substitute rejected by House 24108247D-S1 (0-Y 97-N)




Senate insisted on substitute (40-Y 0-N)


Senate requested conference committee


House acceded to request


Conferees appointed by Senate

Mar 06, 2024


Committee substitute agreed to 24108247D-S1


Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute HB624S1


Passed Senate with substitute (40-Y 0-N)


Read third time


Reading of substitute waived


Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute

Mar 05, 2024


Constitutional reading dispensed (39-Y 0-N)

Mar 04, 2024


Reported from Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)

Mar 01, 2024


Impact statement from DPB (HB624S1)

Feb 29, 2024


Senate subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered


Committee substitute printed 24108247D-S1


Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations


Reported from Education and Health with substitute (15-Y 0-N)

Feb 21, 2024


Assigned Education and Health Sub: Public Education

Feb 18, 2024


Impact statement from DPB (HB624H2)

Feb 14, 2024


Referred to Committee on Education and Health


Constitutional reading dispensed

Feb 13, 2024


VOTE: Passage (85-Y 14-N)


Read third time and passed House (85-Y 14-N)

Feb 12, 2024


Committee on Appropriations substitute agreed to 24106901D-H2


Read second time


Committee on Education substitute rejected 24105877D-H1


Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB624H2

Feb 09, 2024


Read first time

Feb 07, 2024


Committee substitute printed 24106901D-H2


Reported from Appropriations with substitute (21-Y 0-N)

Feb 06, 2024


Impact statement from DPB (HB624H1)

Feb 05, 2024


House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered


Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (8-Y 0-N)

Jan 31, 2024


Assigned App. sub: Elementary & Secondary Education


Reported from Education with substitute (21-Y 0-N)


Committee substitute printed 24105877D-H1


Incorporates HB761 (Delaney)


Referred to Committee on Appropriations

Jan 30, 2024


Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Appropriations


House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered


Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (8-Y 0-N)

Jan 19, 2024


Assigned Education sub: K-12 Subcommittee

Jan 09, 2024


Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104671D


Referred to Committee on Education

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104671D PDF HTML
Committee substitute printed 24105877D-H1 PDF HTML
Committee substitute printed 24106901D-H2 PDF HTML
Committee substitute printed 24108247D-S1 PDF HTML
Conference substitute printed 24109132D-H3 PDF HTML

Related Documents

Document Format
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB624FER122.PDF PDF
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB624FS1122.PDF PDF
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB624FH2122.PDF PDF
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB624FH1122.PDF PDF
Amendment: HB624AG HTML
Amendment: HB624AC HTML


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