Wendell Walker
- Republican
- Delegate
- District 52
Internet Safety Advisory Council; school boards; Internet safety education program. Extends from July 1, 2024, to July 1, 2025, the sunset date for the Internet Safety Advisory Council. The bill requires each school board to adopt policies requiring all elementary and secondary schools in the local school division to provide an Internet safety education program to each student in grades three through 12 at least once each school year.
Internet Safety Advisory Council; school boards;Internet safety education program. Extends from July 1, 2024,to July 1, 2025, the sunset date for the Internet Safety AdvisoryCouncil. The bill requires each school board, after considering themodel policy, instructional practices, curricula, and other teacherresources that are developed, recommended, or designed by the InternetSafety Advisory Council, to adopt policies (i) requiring all elementaryand secondary schools in the local school division to provide anInternet safety education program to each student in grades threethrough 12 at least once each school year but (ii) permitting theparent of any such student to opt his child out of participating insuch program.
Read third time and defeated by House (47-Y 51-N)
VOTE: Defeated (47-Y 51-N)
VOTE: Adoption (51-Y 48-N)
Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB547H1
Substitute by Delegate Walker out of order 24107469D-H2
Committee substitute agreed to (51-Y 48-N) 24107389D-H1
Read second time
Impact statement from DPB (HB547H2)
Read first time
Floor substitute printed 24107469D-H2 (Walker)
House committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
Impact statement from DPB (HB547H1)
Reported from Education with substitute (19-Y 0-N)
Committee substitute printed 24107389D-H1
Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N)
Assigned Education sub: K-12 Subcommittee
Referred to Committee on Education
Reported from Communications, Technology and Innovation (22-Y 0-N)
Subcommittee recommends reporting (10-Y 0-N)
Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Education
Assigned CT & I sub: Technology and Innovation
Impact statement from DPB (HB547)
Referred to Committee on Communications, Technology and Innovation
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103048D
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24103048D | PDF HTML |
Committee substitute printed 24107389D-H1 | PDF HTML |
Floor substitute printed 24107469D-H2 (Walker) | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB547FH2122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB547FH1122.PDF | |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB547F122.PDF |
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If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.