Charniele Herring
- Democratic
- Delegate
- District 4
Constitutional amendment (voter referendum);qualifications of voters and the right to vote; persons not entitledto vote. Provides for a referendum at the November 8, 2022, generalelection to approve or reject an amendment that would provide forthe fundamental right to vote in the Commonwealth, revise the qualificationsof voters so that a person convicted of a felony is not entitledto vote during his period of incarceration but is automatically investedwith the right to vote upon release from incarceration, and updatethe existing prohibition on voting by persons found to be mentallyincompetent to instead apply to persons who have been found to lackthe capacity to understand the act of voting.
Left in Privileges and Elections
Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely (6-Y 4-N)
Assigned P & E sub: Subcommittee #1
Impact statement from DPB (HB416)
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/12/22 22101944D
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/12/22 22101944D | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Impact Statement: HB416F122.PDF |
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