HJ 127

  • Virginia House Joint Resolution
  • 2020 Regular Session
  • Introduced in House Jan 08, 2020
  • House
  • Senate
  • Governor

Court-appointed guardians and conservators; JLARC to study operations, etc.


Study; JLARC; court-appointed guardians andconservators; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit andReview Commission (JLARC) to study the operations and performanceof court-appointed guardians and conservators in the Commonwealth.In conducting its study, JLARC shall (i) identify the Commonwealth'slaws that help prevent and remedy abuse, neglect, and exploitationof elderly and incapacitated persons; (ii) recommend any changesthat should be made to the Commonwealth's laws to better prevent and remedy abuse, neglect, and exploitation of such persons, including instances in which abuse, neglect, or exploitation is committed bya court-appointed guardian or conservator; (iii) determine and recommendthe maximum number of wards per guardian that should be permittedto ensure a high level of oversight and care; (iv) identify appropriatetraining, qualification, and oversight requirements for court-appointedguardians; (v) determine the types and amount of information thatcourt-appointed guardians should be required to provide when making decisions on behalf of a ward and identify the parties to whom suchinformation should be provided; and (vi) recommend one or more processesthat could be implemented to allow for the receipt and investigationof complaints regarding the actions of court-appointed guardians.

Bill Sponsors (4)



Feb 11, 2020


Left in Rules

Jan 29, 2020


House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered


Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (6-Y 0-N)

Jan 27, 2020


Assigned Rules sub: Studies

Jan 08, 2020


Presented and ordered printed 20105341D


Referred to Committee on Rules

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