HB 1057

  • Virginia House Bill
  • 2018 Regular Session
  • Introduced in House Jan 10, 2018
  • House
  • Senate
  • Governor

Sexual harassment training; requirement for legislative branch once every two calendar years.


Requires General Assembly members, full-time legislative staff of General Assembly members compensated with state appropriations, and full-time employees of each legislative branch agency to complete sexual harassment training once every calendar year through the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center administered by the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM). Persons elected to the General Assembly or commencing or recommencing full-time employment in the legislative branch will have 90 days from the election or their dates of hire to complete the training. The bill requires DHRM to maintain electronic records for five years for each person successfully completing sexual harassment training. Each record will include the name of the person completing the training, the name of the state agency that employs him, the date on which the training was completed, and the name of the training course. The bill directs that each agency head in the legislative branch be responsible for ensuring that the agency's full-time employees complete the training as required. The bill has a delayed effective date of January 1, 2019.

Bill Sponsors (2)


No votes to display


Jan 26, 2018

Virginia General Assembly

Incorporated by Rules (HB371-Robinson) by voice vote

Jan 10, 2018

Virginia General Assembly

Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/18 18102219D

Virginia General Assembly

Referred to Committee on Rules

Bill Text

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House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/18 18102219D HTML

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