HB 1854

  • Virginia House Bill
  • 2017 Regular Session
  • Introduced in House Jan 10, 2017
  • House
  • Senate
  • Signed by Governor Apr 26, 2017

Conflicts of Interests Acts, State & Local Government & General Assembly, lobbyist; filing.


Makes numerous changes to the laws governing lobbyist reporting, the conflict of interest acts, and the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council (the Council), including (i) allowing the Secretary of the Commonwealth to suspend any penalty that could be assessed against a lobbyist's principal for failing to file the required disclosure if such failure is beyond the control of the principal; (ii) clarifying the procedures for terminating the services of a lobbyist; (iii) requiring that lobbyist registration forms be filed electronically; (iv) eliminating the requirement that a lobbyist list the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all other lobbyists representing the same principal; (v) creating a separate statement for a lobbyist's principal to waive the principal signature requirement on the lobbyist disclosure form; (vi) granting the clerk of the local governing body or school board the same power as the Council to redact from any disclosure form released to the public any residential address, personal telephone number, or signature; (vii) eliminating the minimum duration of the mandatory refresher ethics orientation session for General Assembly members; (viii) allowing written informal advice from the Council to confer immunity from prosecution upon individuals acting in accordance with such advice; (ix) clarifying the Council's authority to grant extensions from the filing deadline and imposing a $250 civil penalty on agency heads or local clerks who fail to provide the disclosure forms to filers in a timely manner; (x) requiring lobbyists to provide a report of gifts made during a regular session of the General Assembly no later than three weeks after adjournment to legislators and certain executive branch officials who are required to file a session gift report; and (xi) directing that candidates for statewide office and the General Assembly are required to file a disclosure form with the State Board of Elections and candidates for a constitutional office are required to file a disclosure form with the local general registrar. The bill also extends the filing deadline for disclosure forms from January 15 to February 1 and clarifies the reporting period covered by the disclosure forms. The bill eliminates events open to individuals who share a common interest from the definition of a "widely attended event," attendance at which is not subject to the gift cap. The bill also exempts from the definition of a "gift" (a) gifts from a person's child-in-law; (b) gifts related to a person's volunteer service; (c) meals provided for attendance at an official meeting of the Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, or certain other entities; and (d) attendance at a reception or similar function. The bill also exempts members of the judiciary from certain provisions governing prohibited gifts and prohibited personal interests in a transaction where such members are already subject to similar or greater prohibitions under the Canons of Judicial Conduct for the State of Virginia. The bill also clarifies that a legislator may have a personal interest in a contract with a government agency, not including a legislative branch agency, when the Virginia Public Procurement Act allows the award of such contract without competition. The bill further clarifies the exceptions that allow state and local officers and employees who have a personal interest in a transaction to participate in the transaction. Finally, the bill contains technical amendments. The bill contains an emergency clause that applies to the changes described in clauses (x) and (xi). This bill is identical to

Bill Sponsors (1)



Apr 26, 2017

Office of the Governor

Approved by Governor-Chapter 829 (effective - see bill)

Apr 05, 2017

Office of the Governor

Governor's Action Deadline Midnight, May 5, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Communicated to Governor

Virginia General Assembly

House rejected Governor's recommendation (36-Y 62-N)

Virginia General Assembly

Placed on Calendar

Mar 27, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Governor's recommendation received by House

Mar 13, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Enrolled Bill communicated to Governor on 3/13/17

Office of the Governor

Governor's Action Deadline Midnight, March 27, 2017

Mar 10, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Signed by President

Mar 07, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Signed by Speaker

Virginia General Assembly


Feb 24, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Conference report agreed to by House (94-Y 0-N)

Feb 23, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Amended by conference committee

Virginia General Assembly

Conferees appointed by House

Feb 22, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Conferees appointed by Senate

Feb 21, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

House acceded to request

Feb 20, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Senate requested conference committee

Feb 16, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Senate substitute rejected by House 17105400D-S1 (0-Y 97-N)

Virginia General Assembly

Placed on Calendar

Feb 14, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Reading of substitute waived

Virginia General Assembly

Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute HB1854S1

Virginia General Assembly

Committee substitute agreed to 17105400D-S1

Virginia General Assembly

Read third time

Feb 08, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Constitutional reading dispensed

Virginia General Assembly

Referred to Committee on Rules

Feb 07, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Read third time and passed House BLOCK VOTE (97-Y 0-N)

Feb 06, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Committee substitute agreed to 17105218D-H1

Virginia General Assembly

Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB1854H1

Virginia General Assembly

Read second time

Feb 04, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Read first time

Feb 01, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Assigned Courts sub: Ethics

Jan 17, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice

Virginia General Assembly

Referred from General Laws by voice vote

Jan 10, 2017

Virginia General Assembly

Referred to Committee on General Laws

Virginia General Assembly

Prefiled and ordered printed with emergency clause; offered 01/13/16 17102775D

Bill Text

Bill Text Versions Format
House: Prefiled and ordered printed with emergency clause; offered 01/13/16 17102775D HTML
House: Committee substitute printed 17105218D-H1 HTML
Senate: Committee substitute printed 17105400D-S1 HTML
House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB1854ER) HTML
Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0829) HTML

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