Texas Bills

sponsored by René O. Oliveira

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
SB 11 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to general procedures and requirements for certain do-not-resuscitate orders; creating a criminal offense.
Jul 12 2017 Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 16 2017
HR 234 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Commending Joe Rodriguez on his service to the Brownsville Independent School District.
Aug 07 2017 Reported Enrolled
Aug 16 2017
HB 32 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system; authorizing fees.
Jul 26 2017 Postponed
Aug 14 2017
HB 80 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, including a related study.
Jul 10 2017 Left Pending In Committee
Aug 12 2017
HR 351 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
In memory of former governor Mark White.
Aug 09 2017 Reported Enrolled
Aug 10 2017
HB 20 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to an appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund to decrease participants' health insurance costs for certain health benefit plans administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
Jul 18 2017 Received From The House
Aug 03 2017
HB 76 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to a supplemental appropriation for Teacher Retirement System of Texas retiree health.
Jul 10 2017 Left Pending In Committee
Jul 25 2017
HB 151 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the administration of certain group benefits by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; making an appropriation.
Jul 14 2017 Left Pending In Committee
Jul 25 2017

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 bills