Texas Bills

sponsored by Linda Koop

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 21 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to public school finance, including funding for the recruitment and retention of teachers and the support of participants in the public school employees group insurance program.
Jul 18 2017 See Remarks For Effective Date
Aug 16 2017
HR 96 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Republican Party of Texas.
Jul 24 2017 Reported Enrolled
Aug 16 2017
SB 17 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to maternal health and safety, pregnancy-related deaths, and maternal morbidity, including postpartum depression.
Jul 17 2017 Effective Immediately
Aug 16 2017
HB 13 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to reporting requirements by certain physicians and health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty.
Jul 18 2017 Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 15 2017
SB 6 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to municipal annexation.
Jul 18 2017 Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 15 2017
HB 367 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the deposit of money received from the federal government and the authority of the comptroller concerning related funds and accounts.
Aug 01 2017 Received From The House
Aug 14 2017
HB 208 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and appropriations of constitutionally dedicated revenue.
Jul 18 2017 Returned To Committee
Aug 12 2017
SB 5 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the prevention of fraud in the conduct of an election; creating a criminal offense; increasing criminal penalties.
Jul 17 2017 Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 11 2017
HB 393 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a municipality.
Aug 09 2017 Filed
Aug 09 2017
HB 184 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the prevention of fraud in the conduct of an election; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties.
Jul 17 2017 Committee Report Sent To Calendars
Aug 08 2017
HB 272 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the creation of a state financing program administered by the Texas Public Finance Authority to assist school districts with certain expenses; granting authority to issue bonds or other obligations.
Jul 21 2017 Committee Report Sent To Calendars
Aug 08 2017
HB 23 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to a grant program to fund innovative programs for public school students with autism.
Jul 18 2017 Received From The House
Aug 08 2017
HB 25 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to reimbursement rates for Medicaid acute care therapy services; making an appropriation.
Jul 20 2017 Received From The House
Aug 07 2017
HB 47 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the prevention of fraud in the conduct of early voting by mail; creating criminal offenses; increasing criminal penalties.
Jul 10 2017 Committee Report Sent To Calendars
Aug 06 2017
HB 20 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to an appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund to decrease participants' health insurance costs for certain health benefit plans administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
Jul 18 2017 Received From The House
Aug 03 2017
HB 6 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to municipal annexation.
Jul 18 2017 Left Pending In Committee
Aug 02 2017
HB 9 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to maternal health and safety, pregnancy-related deaths, and maternal morbidity, including postpartum depression.
Jul 18 2017 Referred To Health & Human Services
Aug 01 2017
HB 191 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the creation of a commission to recommend improvements to the public school finance system.
Jul 18 2017 Left Pending In Committee
Aug 01 2017
HB 24 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the salary paid to certain professional employees of public schools; making an appropriation.
Jul 20 2017 Committee Report Sent To Calendars
Jul 31 2017
HB 151 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the administration of certain group benefits by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; making an appropriation.
Jul 14 2017 Left Pending In Committee
Jul 25 2017

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 bills