Texas Bills

sponsored by Don Huffines

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
SB 17 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to maternal health and safety, pregnancy-related deaths, and maternal morbidity, including postpartum depression.
Jul 17 2017 Effective Immediately
Aug 16 2017
SB 11 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to general procedures and requirements for certain do-not-resuscitate orders; creating a criminal offense.
Jul 12 2017 Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 16 2017
SB 1 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
Jul 18 2017 Senate Appoints Conferees-Reported
Aug 15 2017
SR 159 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Republican Party of Texas.
Aug 15 2017 Reported Enrolled
Aug 15 2017
SB 9 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and appropriations of constitutionally dedicated revenue.
Jul 17 2017 Committee Report Sent To Calendars
Aug 14 2017
SB 18 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to a limit on local government expenditures.
Jul 18 2017 Postponed
Aug 14 2017
SB 5 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the prevention of fraud in the conduct of an election; creating a criminal offense; increasing criminal penalties.
Jul 17 2017 Effective On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug 11 2017
SB 2 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the establishment of an education enhancement program for students with certain disabilities.
Jul 20 2017 Committee Report Sent To Calendars
Aug 09 2017
SB 15 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to prosecution of certain offenses involving and preemption of local regulation of the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle.
Jul 17 2017 Received From The Senate
Jul 27 2017
SB 4 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to prohibiting certain transactions between a governmental entity and an abortion provider or affiliate of the provider.
Jul 17 2017 Received From The Senate
Jul 27 2017
SB 7 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations.
Jul 14 2017 Received From The Senate
Jul 27 2017
SB 10 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to reporting requirements by certain physicians and health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty.
Jul 18 2017 Received From The Senate
Jul 27 2017
SB 8 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for elective abortion.
Jul 18 2017 Received From The Senate
Jul 27 2017
SB 73 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to reporting and certification requirements by certain physicians regarding certain abortions.
Jul 18 2017 Received From The Senate
Jul 27 2017
SR 76 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Commending Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson on her efforts in investigating voter fraud.
Jul 26 2017 Reported Enrolled
Jul 26 2017
SR 43 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
In memory of Joshua Michael Snowden.
Jul 24 2017 Printed In Full
Jul 24 2017
SB 88 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the punishment for certain voting-related offenses committed or attempted by persons who are not citizens of the United States.
Jul 19 2017 Filed
Jul 19 2017
SJR 9 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the time that a person may serve as a member of the Texas Legislature.
Jul 17 2017 Filed
Jul 17 2017
SB 53 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the participation of a charitable organization that facilitates the procurement of an elective abortion in the state employee charitable campaign.
Jul 17 2017 Filed
Jul 17 2017
SB 56 (85nd Legislature, 1st Called Session (2017))
Relating to the disclosure of records produced in the course of an investigation related to educator misconduct.
Jul 17 2017 Filed
Jul 17 2017

Showing 1 to 20 of 26 bills