Brandon Creighton
- Republican
- Senator
- District 4
Read first time
Received from the Senate
Reported engrossed
Record vote
Read 3rd time
Record vote
Rules suspended-Regular order of business
Record vote
Rules suspended-Regular order of business
Record vote
Read 2nd time & passed to engrossment
Placed on intent calendar
Co-author authorized
Co-author authorized
Committee report printed and distributed
Reported favorably w/o amendments
Considered in public hearing
Considered in public hearing
Left pending in committee
Testimony taken in committee
Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Read first time
Co-author authorized
Received by the Secretary of the Senate
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Introduced | PDF HTML |
Document | Format |
Witness List (Senate Committee Report) | HTML |
Fiscal Note (Introduced) | HTML |
Analysis (Introduced) | HTML |
Data on Open States is updated periodically throughout the day from the official website of the Texas Legislature.
If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.