HB 419
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Taxes, Sales - As introduced, increases the time period, from six months to one year, in which a local government is prohibited from holding a referendum to levy the local option sales tax after a referendum was held on the question and was rejected. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 6, Part 7.
Jan 24 2023 |
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/C Finance, Ways, And Means Subcommittee Of Finance, Ways, And Means Committee
Apr 18 2023
HB 1511
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Welfare - As introduced, adds the government operations committees of both houses to the list of legislative committees to receive annual reports from the commission on aging and disability concerning funding sources used to support the health, safety, and welfare of older adults in this state. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 33; Title 39; Title 68 and Title 71.
Jan 31 2023 |
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Health Committee
Apr 05 2023
HJR 330
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Memorials, Recognition - Carol Evans -
Feb 28 2023 |
Signed By Governor.
Mar 29 2023
HB 169
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Election Laws - As introduced, authorizes up to two members of an LLC that owns property in a city to vote in the city's elections if the city's charter provides nonresident property owners voting rights. - Amends TCA Title 2, Chapter 2.
Jan 12 2023 |
Failed In S/C Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee Of Local Government Committee
Mar 15 2023
HB 388
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Campaigns and Campaign Finance - As introduced, prohibits a candidate or political campaign committee from accepting contributions that exceed 30 percent of the total contributions received by a candidate or political campaign committee from persons who are not residents of this state at the time the contribution is made. - Amends TCA Title 2, Chapter 10, Part 3.
Jan 23 2023 |
Failed In S/C Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee Of Local Government Committee
Mar 15 2023
HB 844
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
General Assembly - As introduced, authorizes each house of the general assembly to appoint a chaplain. - Amends TCA Title 3, Chapter 1, Part 1.
Jan 30 2023 |
Failed In State Government Committee
Mar 08 2023
HB 389
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Local Government, General - As introduced, authorizes a member of a local government's legislative body to participate in a scheduled meeting by electronic means if the member is dealing with a family or medical emergency, has been called into military service, or is unable to attend in person due to inclement weather. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8, Chapter 44.
Jan 23 2023 |
Failed In Local Government Committee
Mar 07 2023
HB 168
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
County Government - As introduced, prohibits a county employee from serving on the county commission of the county for which the person is employed. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 5 and Title 12.
Jan 12 2023 |
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/C Cities & Counties Subcommittee Of Local Government Committee
Feb 08 2023
HB 845
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
County Government - As introduced, deletes an obsolete provision regarding the deadline for filing nominating petitions for candidates for a charter commission. - Amends TCA Title 2 and Title 5, Chapter 1, Part 2.
Jan 30 2023 |
P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt.
Feb 02 2023
HB 420
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Election Laws - As introduced, extends the time given to state executive committees for each political party to post schedule of public appearances for gubernatorial candidates, from 15 to 20 days. - Amends TCA Title 2.
Jan 24 2023 |
P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt.
Feb 01 2023
HB 421
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Election Laws - As introduced, clarifies that a child 17 years of age and under may enter the voting booth with the child's parent or guardian. - Amends TCA Title 2.
Jan 24 2023 |
P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt.
Feb 01 2023
HB 161
(113th Regular Session (2023-2024))
Motor Vehicles - As introduced, extends, from 10 to 12 days, the time period a scrap metal dealer must request a hearing from the department of commerce and insurance after receiving a notification regarding a violation. - Amends TCA Title 55; Title 62 and Title 68.
Jan 11 2023 |
P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt.
Jan 20 2023
HB 2764
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Election Laws - As enacted, requires that a person meet the residency requirements for state senators and representatives contained in the Tennessee constitution in order to qualify as a candidate in a primary election for congress. - Amends TCA Title 2.
Feb 02 2022 |
Pub. Ch. 857
Apr 26 2022
SB 160
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Taxes, Sales - As enacted, requires, on or before January 1, 2023, and on or before January 1 of each subsequent year, the department of revenue to submit a report to the finance, ways and means committees of the senate and the house outlining the actual costs incurred by the department for the administration and collection of the local option sales tax. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 6.
Jan 14 2021 |
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 858
Apr 26 2022
SB 2370
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Education, Higher - As enacted, requires, by the 2023-2024 school year, each state college of applied technology to establish partnerships with each LEA that is located in the county in which the main campus of the state college of applied technology is located to provide early postsecondary opportunities for students enrolled in a high school in the LEA; encourages the board of regents to expand the presence of state colleges of applied technology in each county within this state to provide greater early post-secondary opportunities for students enrolled in a high school in an LEA. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Jan 25 2022 |
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 884
Apr 26 2022
SB 1663
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Registers of Deeds - As introduced, deletes the requirement for registers of deeds to remit 52 percent of their commission for the collection of the recordation tax to the state treasurer. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 4, Part 4.
Nov 17 2021 |
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/C Finance, Ways, And Means Subcommittee Of Finance, Ways, And Means Committee
Apr 26 2022
HB 1959
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Education, Higher - As enacted, requires, by the 2023-2024 school year, each state college of applied technology to establish partnerships with each LEA that is located in the county in which the main campus of the state college of applied technology is located to provide early postsecondary opportunities for students enrolled in a high school in the LEA; encourages the board of regents to expand the presence of state colleges of applied technology in each county within this state to provide greater early post-secondary opportunities for students enrolled in a high school in an LEA. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Jan 25 2022 |
Pub. Ch. 884
Apr 26 2022
HB 192
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Taxes, Sales - As enacted, requires, on or before January 1, 2023, and on or before January 1 of each subsequent year, the department of revenue to submit a report to the finance, ways and means committees of the senate and the house outlining the actual costs incurred by the department for the administration and collection of the local option sales tax. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 6.
Jan 14 2021 |
Pub. Ch. 858
Apr 26 2022
HB 1647
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Registers of Deeds - As introduced, deletes the requirement for registers of deeds to remit 52 percent of their commission for the collection of the recordation tax to the state treasurer. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 4, Part 4.
Nov 17 2021 |
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Finance, Ways, And Means Committee
Apr 26 2022
SB 2616
(112th Regular Session (2021-2022))
Election Laws - As enacted, requires that a person meet the residency requirements for state senators and representatives contained in the Tennessee constitution in order to qualify as a candidate in a primary election for congress. - Amends TCA Title 2.
Feb 02 2022 |
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 857
Apr 26 2022