Janice Bowling
- Republican
- Senator
- District 16
Pub. Ch. 334
Effective date(s) 07/01/2021
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 334
Signed by Governor.
Transmitted to Governor for his action.
Signed by Senate Speaker
Signed by H. Speaker
Enrolled; ready for sig. of H. Speaker.
Senate substituted House Bill for companion Senate Bill.
Amendment withdrawn. (Amendment 1 - SA0288)
Passed Senate, Ayes 31, Nays 0
Companion House Bill substituted
Sponsor(s) Added.
Placed on Senate Regular Calendar for 4/21/2021
Received from House, Passed on First Consideration
Engrossed; ready for transmission to Sen.
H. adopted am. (Amendment 1 - HA0245)
Passed H., as am., Ayes 60, Nays 16, PNV 12
Recommended for passage with amendment/s, refer to Senate Calendar Committee Ayes 9, Nays 0 PNV 0
H. Placed on Regular Calendar for 4/14/2021
Sponsor(s) Added.
Placed on Senate State and Local Government Committee calendar for 4/13/2021
Placed on cal. Calendar & Rules Committee for 4/8/2021
Rec. for pass. if am., ref. to Calendar & Rules Committee
Placed on cal. Local Government Committee for 4/6/2021
Rec for pass if am by s/c ref. to Local Government Committee
Sponsor change.
Placed on s/c cal Property & Planning Subcommittee for 3/30/2021
Ref. to Local Government Committee
Assigned to s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee
Sponsor change.
Sponsor(s) Added.
Sponsor(s) withdrawn.
P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.
Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee
Intro., P1C.
Introduced, Passed on First Consideration
Filed for introduction
Filed for introduction
Bill Text Versions | Format |
Current Version | |
Amendment SA0288 | |
Amendment HA0245 |
Document | Format |
Fiscal Memo for SA0288 (5601) | |
Fiscal Note |
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