H 5498
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Sheriff Anthony Dennis
Jun 24 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
Jun 24 2020
H 5502
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Lula Goodson Daniels
Jun 24 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
Jun 24 2020
H 3998
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Workforce and Senior Affordable Housing Act
Feb 19 2019 |
Act No. 137
May 19 2020
H 3411
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Continuing Resolution, COVID-19 appropriations
Dec 18 2018 |
Act No. 135
May 19 2020
H 5460
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Temple Zion Baptist Church
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 3125
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Convention of the States
Dec 18 2018 |
Debate Adjourned Until Wed., 5-13-20
May 12 2020
H 5482
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Workers' Comp
May 12 2020 |
Referred To Committee On Judiciary
May 12 2020
H 5471
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
John Howard Robinson
May 12 2020 |
Introduced, Adopted, Returned With Concurrence
May 12 2020
H 5461
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Ferry Field Missionary Baptist Church
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5454
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Edward Pinkney Carter
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5464
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Marietta First Baptist Church
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5463
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Sam Robertson
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5456
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Pastor and Mrs. Samuel Lee Goodwin, Sr.
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5455
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Ginger Gilyard Benjamin
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5467
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Maestro Livio Orazio Valentini
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5457
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Romeo Watkins
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5462
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Thomas Whitfield Dunaway, III
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5469
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Amateur Radio Week
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5466
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Richard Neal Grimble, Sr.
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020
H 5494
(2019-2020 Regular Session)
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston
May 12 2020 |
Introduced And Adopted
May 12 2020