SB 2344
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY - JOINT COMMITTEE ON NAMING NEW BUILDINGS (Names Route 4 and Route 1 from Warwick to Westerly The Purple Heart Memorial Highway.)
Feb 13 2020 |
06/24/2020 Signed By Governor
Jun 24 2020
SR 2897
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Recognizing "Juneteenth National Freedom Day" On June 19, 2020
Jun 17 2020 |
06/18/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Jun 18 2020
SR 2900
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Expressing Deepest Sympathy On The Passing Of Edna O'Neill Mattson
Jun 17 2020 |
06/18/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Jun 18 2020
SB 2781
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS (Requires that 80% of all teachers, in the next three (3) years, be trained in the basic emergency and response skills curriculum ("BEARS"), specifically, in hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Heimlich maneuver, and bleeding control.)
Mar 12 2020 |
03/12/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Education
Mar 12 2020
SB 2342
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES - REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES (Expands the classes of licensed vehicles eligible to obtain courtesy veterans' plates.)
Feb 13 2020 |
03/11/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 11 2020
SB 2179
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- ESTABLISHING A CLASS SIZE MAXIMUM FOR KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE TWO (2) (Mandates public school classroom size be limited to twenty (20) students for kindergarten through grade two (2).)
Feb 04 2020 |
03/05/2020 Referred To House H.E.W.
Mar 05 2020
SB 2327
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- FUNDRAISING FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS (Allows school committees to budget funds for field trips when creating a school budget.)
Feb 05 2020 |
03/04/2020 Committee Recommends Passage Of Sub A
Mar 04 2020
SB 2746
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- NURSING HOME STAFFING (Mandates minimum staffing levels and standards for quality care for nursing homes and their residents.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Mar 04 2020
SB 2641
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX (This act would phase-out the taxation of pensions and annuities over a five (5) year period beginning on January 1, 2021.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Feb 27 2020
SB 2699
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS - RHODE ISLAND CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES REGULATORY (Expands the availability of public funds to candidates for the general assembly while also increasing the maximum amount of funds available for general office candidates.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Feb 27 2020
SR 2701
(2020 Regular Session)
JOINT RESOLUTION CREATING A SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION TO EVALUATE AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE MERITS OF ESTABLISHING A "TOP TWO OPEN PRIMARY" IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND (Create an 11 member commission to study, evaluate, and provide recommendations for establishing a "top two open primary," and who would report back to the General Assembly by February 9, 2021, and expire on April 9, 2021.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Feb 27 2020
SB 2660
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- OVERSIGHT OF RISK-BEARING PROVIDER ORGANIZATIONS (Provides the office of the health insurance commissioner (OHIC) with oversight of risk-bearing provider organizations and health care risk contracts.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Feb 27 2020
SB 2649
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PRECEPTORS TAX CREDIT ACT (Allows for a tax credit of five hundred dollars ($500) for any nurse practitioner or physician who provide on-site clinical education as a preceptor clinician to nurse practitioner graduate students, enrolled in the graduate nursing program.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Feb 27 2020
SR 2710
(2020 Regular Session)
JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND PUBLISH AND SUBMIT TO THE ELECTORS A PROPOSITION OF AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND (This proposed constitution amendment, if adopted, would give the governor a line item veto in any bill appropriating money.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Rules, Government Ethics And Oversight
Feb 27 2020
SB 2709
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- ESTABLISHING AN OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL (Establishes the office of inspector general as an independent administrative agency charged with the responsibility to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the expenditure of public funds.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Rules, Government Ethics And Oversight
Feb 27 2020
SB 2126
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS - UNIFORM CONTROL SUBSTANCES ACT (Requires that professionals authorized to prescribe opioid drugs discuss addiction risks and when appropriate alternative treatments with patients upon the second refill and/or upon the third prescription.)
Jan 22 2020 |
02/26/2020 Referred To House H.E.W.
Feb 26 2020
SB 2181
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CURRICULUM (Requires that commencing with the graduating class of 2021 and all subsequent graduating classes thereafter, all high school students attending public schools shall fulfill at least one-half credit or course requirement in civics education.)
Feb 04 2020 |
02/26/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Feb 26 2020
SB 2551
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINALS-CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS-PRIVATELY OWNED AND OPERATED DETENTION FACILITIES (Prohibits the operation of privately run detention facilities. Those currently in operation may continue to do so until January 1, 2028.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Feb 25 2020
SB 2531
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- BOARD OF MEDICAL LICENSURE AND DISCIPLINE (Prohibits the board of medical licensure and discipline from requiring specialty board certification as a condition of licensure.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Feb 25 2020
SB 2513
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- BEVERAGE CONTAINER DEPOSIT RECYCLING ACT OF 2020 (Creates a refundable five cent ($0.05) deposit for non-reusable beverage containers. A one cent ($0.01) handling fee would be paid by distributors.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Environment And Agriculture
Feb 25 2020