SB 2656
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS -- SANITATION IN FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS (Defines what constitutes a multi-use food and beverage storage container and provides for sanitary use of said containers.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Feb 27 2020
SR 2617
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Extending Sincere Condolences On The Passing Of Marie Mello
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Feb 27 2020
SB 2081
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PROPERTY - CONDOMINIUM LAW - RESALE OF UNITS (Allows a condominium association to impose a fee of up to one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for preparation of a resale certificate.)
Jan 21 2020 |
02/27/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Feb 27 2020
SB 2655
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS -- DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES (Provides that home and community based services for developmentally disabled persons would be person-centered and support services consistent with their plan of care.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Feb 27 2020
SB 2648
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY -- HEMP GROWTH ACT (Eliminates the two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) hemp licensing fee and would reduce the hemp licensing application fee from two hundred fifty dollars ($250) to one hundred dollars ($100).)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Feb 27 2020
SB 2621
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (Creates the uniform natural gas leaks classification act which classifies gas leaks into different grades and identifies the steps and procedures to be taken and provides a reporting requirement for a gas company subsequent to a leak.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Commerce
Feb 27 2020
SB 2627
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY (Provides for school construction projects approved after July 1, 2020, that Rhode Island based architectural businesses be used or the project is only eligible to receive five (5) incentive points.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Education
Feb 27 2020
SB 2643
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC FINANCE -- STATE FUNDS (This act would add the workers' compensation administration fund to those restricted receipt accounts not subject to indirect cost recoveries.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Feb 27 2020
SR 2639
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Respectfully Requesting The Department Of Environmental Management To Aid In Protecting Consumers Of Pesticides
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Environment And Agriculture
Feb 27 2020
SB 2640
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO WATERS AND NAVIGATION (Creates the Rhode Island Water Authority as a quasi-public corporation.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Environment And Agriculture
Feb 27 2020
SB 2666
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- RHODE ISLAND PUBLIC TRANSIT AUTHORITY (Increases the number of members of the transit authority from eight to nine and makes the mayor of Providence or designee an ex officio member with voting privileges.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Housing And Municipal Government
Feb 27 2020
SR 2615
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Extending Sincere Condolences On The Passing Of Eugenio Duarte
Feb 26 2020 |
02/27/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Feb 27 2020
SB 2089
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PROPERTY - RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT (Mandates that a landlord has a general liability policy of at least $100,000 in effect for those injured on the premises due to the landlord's negligence. Failure to provide proof of insurance precludes a landlord from proceeding on an eviction action.)
Jan 21 2020 |
02/27/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Feb 27 2020
SB 2266
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE--PROCEDURE GENERALLY -- FEES (Raises juror's fees for each day's attendance on the superior court from $15.00 per day to $25.00 per day commencing July 1, 2020, and increases to $35.00 per day commencing July 1, 2021 and thereafter.)
Feb 04 2020 |
02/26/2020 Referred To House Judiciary
Feb 26 2020
SB 2270
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY - JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE REPEALER (Creates joint committee to compile suggestions for repeal of statutes, regulations, and executive orders.)
Feb 04 2020 |
02/26/2020 Referred To House Judiciary
Feb 26 2020
SB 2545
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT (Reclassifies certain simple possession of drugs as misdemeanor instead of a felony.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Feb 25 2020
SB 2503
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND SUPERINTENDENTS (Establishes courses that include instruction in career and technical education programs.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Education
Feb 25 2020
SB 2516
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Creates three new categories of taxable income for income above $232,000.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Feb 25 2020
SB 2512
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- PESTICIDE CONTROL (Requires any person, business or establishment that provides or sells pesticides for home use to post the pesticide consumer protection warning or notice produced by the department of environmental management in a prominent place to protect consumers.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Environment And Agriculture
Feb 25 2020
SB 2582
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- RHODE ISLAND PARENTAL AND FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (Increases the amount of parental or family leave available to an employee from thirteen (13) weeks to twenty-six (26) weeks in any two (2) calendar years.)
Feb 25 2020 |
02/25/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Labor
Feb 25 2020