Rhode Island Bills

sponsored by Brandon Potter

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 6066 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- OBSCENE AND OBJECTIONABLE PUBLICATIONS AND SHOWS (Establishes, as an affirmative defense to the crimes of circulating obscene publications or shows and selling or exhibiting obscene publications to minors, the person’s employment status as an employee of a school, museum, or library.)
Mar 03 2023 03/16/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 16 2023
HB 6127 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS -- TOWN FORESTS, PARKS, AND RECREATION SYSTEMS (Requires one acre or more public parks to have ADA public restrooms or (2) port-a-potties by July 1, 2025 enforced by DEM.)
Mar 03 2023 03/16/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 16 2023
HB 5717 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- REFUSE DISPOSAL (Prohibits a city of town from requiring residents to pay for curbside mattress pickup or disposal.)
Feb 17 2023 03/16/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 16 2023
HB 5572 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- DISORDERLY CONDUCT (Requires conduct that creates an actual public disturbance that includes a gathering of people drawn to and watching the conduct, stopping, impeding or causing traffic, or creating similar public disturbances in order to constitute disorderly conduct.)
Feb 15 2023 03/16/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 16 2023
HB 5359 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT (Prohibits the family court from detaining/committing any juvenile under the age of 14 years to the training school for any offense other than murder/first degree sexual assault or an attempt to commit such offenses.)
Feb 03 2023 03/16/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 16 2023
HB 5748 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (Increases the minimum required awarded to minority business enterprises to 20% and of that, require a minimum of 10% be awarded to minority owned businesses and that a minimum of 10% be awarded to women owned businesses.)
Feb 21 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 6073 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF NURSING SERVICE AGENCIES (Establishes a cap on the rates that nursing service agencies can charge; protects clients from having their staff recruited/hired by a nursing service agency while providing services to them; updates training, report and other administrative details.)
Mar 03 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5927 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- FAIR EMPLOYMENTS PRACTICES (Expands the definition of employee to include individuals under appointment or contract of hire or apprenticeship, volunteers or unpaid interns and decreases from 4 to 1 the number of employees required to trigger the designation of employer.)
Mar 01 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5507 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS -- PRESCRIPTION DRUG ADVISORY BOARD - GROUP PURCHASING BOARD FOR RX WE CAN AFFORD (A prescription drug advisory board is created to evaluate drug prices in an attempt to make them more affordable.)
Feb 10 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5547 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- COUNCIL ON ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION (Requires the student advisory council to meet at least quarterly, and exempts the student chairperson from senate advice and consent requirements.)
Feb 15 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5679 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG SALES REPRESENTATIVE DISCLOSURE ACT (Requires prescription drug manufacturers to file a detailed, updated list of each pharmaceutical sales representative engaged by the manufacturer and to pay an annual fee for each name on list.)
Feb 17 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5678 (2023 Regular Session)
Feb 17 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5740 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION (Assigns additional duties to the commissioner of on postsecondary education, including preparing strategic plan for public higher education provides for equitable distribution of public funds and adopts an outcomes based model.)
Feb 21 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 5736 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (Requires the department of administration to provide a list of certified minority and women-owned business enterprises to each prospective contractor of a construction project.)
Feb 21 2023 03/15/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 15 2023
HB 6100 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (Directs the department of human services to temporarily waive any civil service exam required by the department to obtain a license, for one year.)
Mar 03 2023 03/13/2023 Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request (03/15/2023)
Mar 13 2023
HB 5980 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- HOUSING PRODUCTION REVOLVING FUND (Creates the Housing Production Revolving Fund through the issuance of $50,000,000 in housing bonds by the department of housing to provide affordable housing for low income households and provide a $500,000 annual appropriation from the general assembly.)
Mar 01 2023 03/10/2023 Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request
Mar 10 2023
HR 5311 (2023 Regular Session)
JOINT RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES RELATING TO THE LABOR OF PERSONS UNDER EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE (This Joint Resolution would ratify a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States which would provide that the Congress of the United States would have the power to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons under 18 years of age.)
Feb 01 2023 03/09/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 09 2023
HB 5896 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- SEXUAL ASSAULT (Defines coercion so as to include sexual assault by a member of law enforcement who has the victim under arrest, in custody or detained or by any person who has supervisory authority over the victim’s parole, probation or home confinement.)
Mar 01 2023 03/09/2023 Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request
Mar 09 2023
HB 5548 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF HEALTHCARE FACILITIES (Requires all state licensed health care facilities to convert the powering of their operations from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. DOH would promulgate rules and regulations to implement the requirements.)
Feb 15 2023 03/09/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 09 2023
HB 5577 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- OPERATION OF BICYCLES--HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT (Amend several chapters regarding the operation of bikes on state highways and interaction with motor vehicles, reckless driver accountability program & speed limits in thickly settled areas/business districts.)
Feb 15 2023 03/09/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 09 2023

Showing 381 to 400 of 744 bills