SB 2324
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO INSURANCE (Allows for modification of drug coverage pursuant to a health benefit plan as long as the modification occurs at the time of renewal, is effective among all health benefit plans which are at least substantially identical, and written notice is provided.)
Feb 05 2020 |
03/05/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 05 2020
SR 2762
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Recognizing March 8, 2020, As "International Women'S Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
Mar 05 2020 |
03/05/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Mar 05 2020
SB 2734
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND SUPERINTENDENTS (Allows principals to issue out-of-school suspension for students in grades 6 and above, students in grade 5 and below may only be issued out-of-school suspension under stringent circumstances.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Education
Mar 04 2020
SB 2741
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS -- STATEWIDE REFERENDUM (Provides for $1,000,000 in bonds to improve local roadways, pedestrian spaces, bikeway paths and municipal parks.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Mar 04 2020
SB 2739
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION (Creates an agreement to limit corporate incentives.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Finance
Mar 04 2020
SB 2746
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- NURSING HOME STAFFING (Mandates minimum staffing levels and standards for quality care for nursing homes and their residents.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Mar 04 2020
SB 2713
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS - PUBLIC BUILDINGS (This act allows the secretary of state to commission portraits of senate president upon leaving office and would require that the portraits be paid for by the joint committee on legislative services.)
Feb 27 2020 |
03/04/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 04 2020
SB 2754
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- ASSET FORFEITURE (Creates a new chapter to standardize procedures for asset forfeitures for all crimes.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Mar 04 2020
SB 2755
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT (Amends the "residential landlord and tenant act" to allow a landlord prior to any residential rental agreement shall deliver to prospective tenant a valid certificate of rental suitability as defined in § 34-18-22.4.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Mar 04 2020
SB 2748
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- SEXUAL ASSAULTS (Provides that a school teacher or employee that engages in sexual penetration of a student over fourteen (14) and less than eighteen (18) would be guilty of third degree sexual assault.)
Mar 04 2020 |
03/04/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Mar 04 2020
SR 2725
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Leo Héroux
Mar 03 2020 |
03/03/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Mar 03 2020
SB 2497
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO COMMERCIAL LAW - GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS - INDECENT DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES (Provides Internet devices and have obscene material filters. Creates grant fund for survivors of sex-related offenses.)
Feb 25 2020 |
03/03/2020 Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request
Mar 03 2020
SR 2719
(2020 Regular Session)
Senate Resolution Reaffirming The Friendship Between Rhode Island And Taiwan, Supporting The Enhancement Of Bilateral Trade Relations And Expressing Support For Taiwan In The International Community
Feb 27 2020 |
03/03/2020 Senate Read And Passed
Mar 03 2020
SB 2233
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE (Directs the EOHHS to adopt/implement a methodology/determining a Medicaid fee for services/reimbursement rate non-emergency medical transportation service providers that is at least comparable to the rates paid for similar services in neighboring states.)
Feb 04 2020 |
03/03/2020 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 03 2020
SB 2685
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS (Allows state police to maintain registry of firearms sold, requires firearms dealer, person or other entity, to submit monthly reports to superintendent of state police, including manufacturer, importer, model, serial number, type of firearm and caliber.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Feb 27 2020
SB 2660
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- OVERSIGHT OF RISK-BEARING PROVIDER ORGANIZATIONS (Provides the office of the health insurance commissioner (OHIC) with oversight of risk-bearing provider organizations and health care risk contracts.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Health And Human Services
Feb 27 2020
SB 2630
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES TO VERY YOUNG CHILDREN (Develops and implements strategies to improve the compensation of early educators so programs can attract, develop, and retain effective staff to care for and educate young children and provide family-focuses services.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Education
Feb 27 2020
SB 2663
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - STATE BUILDING CODE (Prohibits more than two (2) communities from combining to appoint a shared building official.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Housing And Municipal Government
Feb 27 2020
SB 2664
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES - SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD LIMITS (Authorizes the department of transportation to impose a weight restriction or close any state, local or privately-owned bridge, in the interest of public safety.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Housing And Municipal Government
Feb 27 2020
SB 2686
(2020 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES - PARKING FACILITIES AND PRIVILEGES (Requires municipalities/state departments/agencies to submit annual report relating to enforcement of disability parking program.)
Feb 27 2020 |
02/27/2020 Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary
Feb 27 2020