Rhode Island Bills

sponsored by Brandon Potter

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 5686 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- SENTENCE AND EXECUTION (Requires sentencing court to consider whether defendant is parent of child, or caregiver of elderly, disabled or terminally ill person whose well-being would be adversely affected by the person’s incarceration and if so, shall impose a non-jail sentence.)
Feb 17 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 5361 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- GENERAL PROVISIONS (Further delineates the definitions of felony, misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor.)
Feb 03 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 5582 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO FOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT (Makes possession of controlled substances civil violations punishable by a one hundred dollar ($100) fine for a first offense and up to three hundred dollars ($300) for subsequent offenses. Repeat offenders would also have to complete drug counseling.)
Feb 15 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 6200 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' BILL OF RIGHTS (Amends the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights providing greater accountability in the disciplinary process, the chief of police authority to impose discipline after the finding of a violation, appellate rights to the accused officer.)
Mar 24 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 5563 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- BAIL AND RECOGNIZANCE (Prohibits the courts from setting cash or surety bail on any misdemeanor offense but permits the court to set reasonable non-monetary conditions of bail to assure the defendant’s presence in court as required and to protect the community.)
Feb 15 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 5567 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' BILL OF RIGHTS (Repeals the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, Chapter 42-28.6 of the General Laws, in its entirety.)
Feb 15 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 6071 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- PROHIBITION ON THE USE OF POLICE ROBOT TECHNOLOGY (Prohibits on-duty/off-duty law enforcement officer from utilizing any robot/police robot dog/UAV, whether armed/unarmed, within the scope of their employment as well as police departments from purchase/procurement of any robots/UVAs/police robot dogs.)
Mar 03 2023 04/04/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Apr 04 2023
HB 5661 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (Provides that utility services not be terminated for the period from November 1 to April 15 to property being used as a warming center, drop-in center, shelter, or similar facility providing emergency services to drop-in residents or unhoused individuals.)
Feb 17 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 5656 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY -- TREE WARDENS (Requires an electric distribution company, pursuant to a vegetation management plan approved by the DPUC, to carry out vegetation management activities for vegetation clearing around utility infrastructure along public and private rights of way.)
Feb 17 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 6196 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ACT (Establishes requirements which would have to be met by an applicant prior to the issuing of permits for an activity that would have an environmental impact on or would increase the cumulative impacts on an environmental justice area.)
Mar 24 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 5087 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO WATER AND NAVIGATION -- CIBA-GEIGY CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (Requires the EPA to develop a plan for flooding on the Pawtuxet River, specifically at the site of the former Ciba-Geigy Chemical Company with regard to contaminants leaching into the Pawtuxet River and neighboring wells.)
Jan 12 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 5116 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- SHORE DEVELOPMENT (Permits the director of the department of environmental management to recognize and identify public rights-of-way to shoreline and water access over land owned by a private party.)
Jan 12 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 5088 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY-- REFUSE DISPOSAL (Includes PVC pipe (polyvinyl chloride resin) that is abandoned, discarded, left lying on the ground or not stored in a covered facility in the definition of solid waste.)
Jan 12 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 5851 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- SOLAR NEIGHBORHOODS ACT (Mandates that certain new residential building construction include solar power capabilities pursuant to the rules and regulations promulgated by the state building code commission.)
Mar 01 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 6055 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS INSPECTION PROGRAM (Requires the DEM adopt motor vehicle emissions standards based on California's promulgated standards; provided that, the California standards achieve greater motor vehicle pollution reductions than the federal standards as required by § 31-47.1-1(a).)
Mar 03 2023 03/30/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 30 2023
HB 5587 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES (Sets the minimum wage for public school crossing guards at eighteen dollars ($18.00) per hour and also defines a crossing guard as a person who safely assists school students to cross the street.)
Feb 15 2023 03/29/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 29 2023
HB 5372 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - PAYMENT OF WAGES (Provides for contractor liability for debts owed to an employee or third party on the wage claimants behalf, incurred by a subcontractor.)
Feb 03 2023 03/29/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 29 2023
HB 5181 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES (Repeals the law that allowed employers to pay some of their minor employees and employees who are full time students and not attained the age of nineteen (19) less than minimum hourly wages, requiring them to be paid a minimum hourly wage.)
Jan 19 2023 03/29/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 29 2023
HB 5590 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES (Commencing 1/1/24, gradually increases the minimum wage for employees receiving gratuities from the current ($3.89) to ($14.95) by 1/1/28 and on 1/1/29 the minimum wage shall be no less than the minimum wage established by the minimum wage law.)
Feb 15 2023 03/29/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 29 2023
HB 6202 (2023 Regular Session)
AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- CONTRACTORS BONDS (Provides that upon application, and good cause, the state may waive the bonding requirement for certified minority business enterprises or women owned businesses.)
Mar 24 2023 03/29/2023 Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study
Mar 29 2023

Showing 341 to 360 of 744 bills