HB 2261
Professions and occupations; licensing; social workers; compact; procedures; commission; effective date.
- Introduced Feb 03 2025
- Referred to Business Feb 04 2025
Email rosino@oksenate.gov
Website https://oksenate.gov/Senators/biographies/rosino_bio.aspx https://oksenate.gov/contact-senator?sid=1902 Contact Form https://oksenate.gov/senators/paul-rosinoServing District 45
Professions and occupations; licensing; social workers; compact; procedures; commission; effective date.
Aerospace; defining terms, modifying list requiring certain permit; effective date.
Professions and occupations; foreign applicants and requirements; international medical school graduates; foreign licensure body; limited licensure; parameters; employment; training programs; supervision; full licensure; unprofessional conduct; professional competence; good moral character; effective date.
Appropriations; creating the Oklahoma Space Renaissance Act; making various appropriations; effective date; emergency.
Rosino voted Yes
Third Reading
Rosino voted Yes
Rosino voted Yes
Third Reading
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