Paul Rose

  • Tennessee
  • Senator
  • Republican
  • District 32

District Office

Room 734, Cordell Hull Building 425 Rep. John Lewis Way North, Nashville, TN 37243

Phone 615-741-1967 Fax 615-253-0194

Serving District 32

Sponsored Bills

SB 1235

Boards and Commissions - As introduced, prohibits the exclusion of persons from membership on state regulatory and health-related boards on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, and national origin; prohibits such boards from establishing or operating under race-based policies pertaining to their composition; creates a private cause of action against a board and its officers, employees, and agents for such practices; removes requirement that appointing authorities strive to ensure certain boards and commissions are represented by members of racial minorities. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 21; Title 9; Title 62; Title 63 and Title 68.

  • Introduced Feb 06 2025

SB 1229

Sports - As introduced, changes from January 1 to March 1, the date by which each local education agency and public charter school is required to submit documentation to the department of education evidencing its compliance with the requirement to notify an association that regulates interscholastic athletics at the school in which the student is enrolled of a student's placement in foster care; removes the requirement that the department annually submit a report of this information to the education committees of the senate and house of representatives. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 8; Title 48 and Title 49.

  • Introduced Feb 06 2025

SB 1252

Education - As introduced, makes various changes to the categories of individuals who are not required to use a preferred pronoun, and for whom a preferred pronoun be disregarded, if the pronoun is inconsistent with the person's biological sex; makes various changes to the civil liability and adverse action protections as it relates to the use of, or the refusal to use, a pronoun or preferred pronoun. - Amends TCA Title 49.

  • Introduced Feb 06 2025

SB 1225

Criminal Offenses - As introduced, requires all persons who disseminate smoking paraphernalia to display the sign providing notice of the legal age for purchasing such products required by the Prevention of Youth Access to Tobacco, Smoking Hemp, and Vapor Products Act; removes authorization for a person to substitute a tobacco-related warning sign required by law prior to April 22, 1994, - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 39 and Title 40.

  • Introduced Feb 06 2025
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