HF 5488
Pilot program for free transit service for students, educational staff, and attendees of athletic events established; report required; and money appropriated.
- Introduced May 20 2024
Email rep.melissa.hortman@house.mn.gov
Website https://www.house.mn.gov/members/profile/12266
Room 5325, Centennial Office Building 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone 651-296-4280Serving District 34B
Pilot program for free transit service for students, educational staff, and attendees of athletic events established; report required; and money appropriated.
Gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests authorized; licenses established; local restrictions prohibited; sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided; civil and criminal penalties provided; amateur sports grants provided; charitable gambling provided and lawful gambling tax rates modified; pari-mutuel horse racing provided; clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; reports required; and money appropriated.
Advisory citizens' redistricting commission established, redistricting principles and redistricting requirements established, constitutional amendment to establish an independent citizen's redistricting commission proposed, and money appropriated.
MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, public option enrollee premium scale established, section 1332 waiver required to be sought by commissioner of commerce, and money appropriated.
Hortman voted Yes
Repassage, as amended by Conference
Hortman voted No
Swedzinski motion Refuse to Adopt
Hortman voted Yes
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