SR 295
A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Louisville Women's Basketball Team upon reaching the 2022 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Final Four.
- Introduced Mar 29 2022
- adopted by voice vote Mar 30 2022
A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Louisville Women's Basketball Team upon reaching the 2022 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Final Four.
A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Senator Joe Bowen.
A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator C.B. Embry Jr. to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Wil Schroder upon the occasion of his retirement from the General Assembly.
Castlen voted Yes
FINAL PASSAGE SB 163 w/ fccr1
Castlen voted Yes
Substitute HB 1 for SB 1 w/ scs1
Castlen voted Yes
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