HR 8363
House Resolution Honoring Robert A. Nardolillo, Iii, On His Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
- Introduced Jun 23 2018
House Resolution Honoring Robert A. Nardolillo, Iii, On His Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
House Resolution Honoring Representative Patricia L. Morgan For Her Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- MIDDLETOWN TAX LEVY (Prohibits the town of Middletown from annually increasing its tax levy, more than 2% of the total levied by the town, for its prior fiscal year, without the occurrence of one or more of 5 conditions and an affirmative vote of the majority of its electors.)
AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- MIDDLETOWN REAL ESTATE TAX ASSESSMENT (Allows the town of Middletown to adopt annual fair market assessments of its ratable property that do not exceed the two percent (2%) annual increase ceiling.)
Mendonca voted Yes
Mendonca voted Yes
Mendonca voted Yes
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