SB 92
relative to the collection of birth worksheet information.
- Introduced Jan 22 2025
- Hearing: 01/29/2025, Room 103, SH, 09:00 am; SC 7 Jan 23 2025
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P.O. Box 338, Weare, NH 03281
Serving Hillsborough 28
relative to the collection of birth worksheet information.
establishing a committee to study data sources of all entities operated by all branches of government that are or are potentially made available to the public, identify the data formats of those sources, and recommend legislation to standardize types and formats of data output from all or select governmental entities.
relative to the expectation of privacy in personal information maintained by the state.
relative to the reporting requirements of the judicial council.
Keith Erf voted Yes
Keith Erf voted Yes
Keith Erf voted Yes
Indefinitely Postpone
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