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Room 664, Cordell Hull Building 425 Rep. John Lewis Way North, Nashville, TN 37243
Phone 615-741-1898 Fax 615-253-0211Serving District 87
Education - As introduced, removes a provision that required the board of regents, the University of Tennessee, and the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association to provide a report by April 1, 2009, to the Tennessee higher education commission on the reasonable efforts their institutions have taken to attempt to deter infringement of copyrighted works over the school's computer and network resources. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Holidays and Days of Special Observance - As introduced, designates December 14 of each year as "Hazel Moore Day." - Amends TCA Title 3 and Title 4.
Expunction - As introduced, lowers the period of time that must elapse after completion of the sentence imposed before a petitioner may have an eligible criminal offense expunged, for misdemeanors or Class E felonies, from five years to three years, and for Class D felonies, from 10 years to six years. - Amends TCA Title 39 and Title 40.
Data on Open States is updated periodically throughout the day from the official website of the Tennessee General Assembly.
If you notice any inconsistencies with these official sources, feel free to file an issue.