HF 2908
Bee death caused by pesticide poisoning compensation provided, pollinator emergency response team established, and money appropriated.
- Introduced Mar 10 2014
- Author added Loeffler Apr 03 2014
Email rep.jean.wagenius@house.mn
Website http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/profile/10690Bee death caused by pesticide poisoning compensation provided, pollinator emergency response team established, and money appropriated.
Appropriations provided to continue in effect in the absence of a major appropriation bill with certain exceptions and adjustments.
Driving privilege license establishment; driver's license application procedures and requirements modifications
Minnesota Historical Society funding provided for a bust of former United States Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, and money appropriated.
Wagenius voted No
Gruenhagen Motion
Wagenius voted Yes
Wagenius voted Yes
Passage, as amended
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