HB 1294
AN ACT to amend and reenact section 11‑19.1‑15, subsections 9 and 18 of section 23‑02.1‑01, sections 23‑02.1‑08, 23‑02.1‑21, and 23‑02.1‑22, subsection 2 of section 23‑02.1‑32, sections 23‑06‑02, 23‑06‑03, 23‑06‑04, 23‑06‑05, 23‑06‑06, 23‑06‑07, 23‑06‑08, 23‑06‑09, 23‑06‑10, 23‑06‑11, 23‑06‑12, 23‑06‑13, and 23‑06‑26, subsection 8 of section 23‑06.6‑13, section 30.1‑28‑06, subsection 4 of section 43‑10‑01, and sections 43-10-15.4, 43‑10‑21, and 43‑10.1‑02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to transportation and disposition upon death; and to provide a penalty.
- Introduced Jan 12 2017
- Filed with Secretary Of State 04/17 Apr 21 2017