HR 153
A Resolution recognizing November 11, 2021, as "Veterans Day" in Pennsylvania.
- Introduced Nov 03 2021
- Adopted Nov 10 2021
A Resolution recognizing November 11, 2021, as "Veterans Day" in Pennsylvania.
An Act providing for the regulation of cannabis and cannabis products for personal use and for exemptions related to the personal use of cannabis and cannabis products; establishing a cannabis regulatory control board and providing for its powers, duties and restrictions; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of Revenue, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health and the Office of Attorney General; regulating the cultivation, processing, distribution, testing, transporting, sale and offering for sale of cannabis and cannabis products; providing for licensing and permitting of cannabis entities, cannabis microbusinesses, cannabis testing laboratories and other persons engaged in a regulated activity, for certification or registration of essential employees, officers, principals and other persons and for social and economic equity; establishing the Office of Social and Economic Equity and the Cannabis Business Development Fund; providing for diverse business development and a grant and loan program; establishing the Cannabis Revenue Fund; providing for Communities Reimagined and Reinvestment Program, for Community Reimagined and Reinvestment Account and for Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Education Fund; imposing fees, taxes and assessments on cannabis entity licensees, permittees and persons engaged in a regulated activity; and providing for enforcement, for prohibited acts, for penalties, for sanctions and immunities, for certain expungements, for transfer of functions of the Department of Health and for medical marijuana.
A Concurrent Resolution designating October 28, 2021, as "Lights On Afterschool Day" in Pennsylvania.
An Act amending Titles 51 (Military Affairs) and 62 (Procurement) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in veteran-owned small businesses, further providing for definitions, for regulations, for participation goal, for duties of Department of General Services and for bonding and progress payments, providing for request for a full or partial waiver and good-faith efforts, further providing for reports and providing for disparity study; in small and disadvantaged businesses, further providing for heading of chapter, for policy and for definitions, providing for Small and Diverse Business Program and for nonapplicability, further providing for regulations and for duties of department, providing for request for a full or partial waiver and good-faith efforts, further providing for bonding and progress payments and for report to General Assembly, providing for aspirational target, for disparity study and for program review and expiration; and providing for Program for Construction and Design Professional Services.
WHEATLEY voted Yes
HB 2143 PN 2536, 2021 A3309
WHEATLEY voted Yes
HB 2143 PN 2536, 2021 A3279
WHEATLEY voted Yes
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