SCR 211
Requesting The Hawaiian Humane Society To Develop A Program To Assist Low-Income Pet Owners Afford Emergency Care For Their Pets.
- Introduced Mar 10 2023
- Referred to AGR, FIN, referral sheet 28 Apr 11 2023
Website The Hawaiian Humane Society To Develop A Program To Assist Low-Income Pet Owners Afford Emergency Care For Their Pets.
Requesting The Judiciary To Convene A Task Force To Examine And Make Recommendations Regarding Existing Procedures Of The Hawaii Paroling Authority Setting The Minimum Terms Of Imprisonment.
Urging The United States Congress To Adopt National Carbon Fee And Dividend Legislation.
Encouraging The State To Build A Partnership With The Kingdom Of The Netherlands And Collaborate On Similar, Shared Challenges And Goals.
Keith-Agaran voted Yes
The Conference committee recommends that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
Keith-Agaran voted Yes
The Conference committee recommends that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
Keith-Agaran voted Yes
The Conference committee recommends that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS.
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