HB 2224
Requiring a law enforcement officer executing a search warrant at residential premises to be uniformed and to knock and announce themselves before entering the property.
- Introduced Feb 04 2025
- Referred to Committee on Judiciary Feb 05 2025
Email brett.fairchild@house.ks.gov
Website https://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2021_22/members/rep_fairchild_brett_1/ https://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/members/rep_fairchild_brett_1/
State Capitol Room 176-W, Kansas Building 300 SW 10th St., Topeka, KS 66612
Phone 785-296-7667Serving District 113
Requiring a law enforcement officer executing a search warrant at residential premises to be uniformed and to knock and announce themselves before entering the property.
Requiring government agencies, public utilities and other entities when exercising the power of eminent domain to make a good faith offer for the property prior to filing an eminent domain action, providing the good faith offer, if greater than the appraiser's award, shall be deposited with the court, allowing appeals from that amount, prohibiting the exercise of eminent domain for recreational trails and park and recreational facilities and deleting the power of the legislature to condemn property for economic development.
Creating the abolish abortion Kansas act to make all abortions subject to criminal prosecution for violation of Alexa's law and to remove certain exceptions to the cause of action for the wrongful death of an unborn child when such death is caused by an abortion.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to amend section 4 of the Kansas bill of rights to recognize the right to bear arms as a fundamental right that includes the possession and use of ammunition, firearm accessories and firearm components, and that any restrictions on such right are subject to the strict scrutiny standard.
Fairchild voted Yes
Conference Committee Report was adopted;
Fairchild voted Yes
Final Action - Substitute passed;
Fairchild voted Yes
Final Action - Passed;
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