HF 4900
Out-of-state law or action application limited regarding the provision or receipt of reproductive health care services, and civil action established.
- Introduced May 20 2022
- Authors added Hollins and Gomez May 23 2022
Email rep.ami.wazlawik@house.mn
Website http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/profile/15508Out-of-state law or action application limited regarding the provision or receipt of reproductive health care services, and civil action established.
Persons seeking gender-affirming care provided protections from out-of-state laws.
Lake Superior; clean water fund grant funding provided to counties to reduce perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substance discharge, and money appropriated.
Public utility requirements modified, and residential solar energy system restrictions prohibited.
Wazlawik voted No
Gruenhagen Motion
Wazlawik voted Yes
Wazlawik voted Yes
Passage, as amended
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