HB 13
APPROPRIATIONS: Limits the amount of money that may be appropriated in a fiscal year (Item #14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
- Introduced Nov 06 2024
- Signed by the Governor. Becomes Act No. 14. Dec 04 2024
Email sen31@legis.la.gov
Website https://house.louisiana.gov/H_Reps/members.aspx?ID=5 homepage https://senate.la.gov/smembers?ID=31Serving District 31
APPROPRIATIONS: Limits the amount of money that may be appropriated in a fiscal year (Item #14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
TEACHERS/SALARY: Requires school systems to provide a salary increase for teachers and other school employees using savings attributable to the state's payment of certain unfunded accrued liability of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (Item #2) (EN GF EX See Note)
COMMENDATIONS: Commends and congratulates John Keller upon the occasion of his retirement and recognizes and honors his life, service, contributions and the sacrifices he made for his community and country.
COMMENDATIONS: Commends and recognizes the outstanding contributions of Sharon Turcan Gahagan to the Louisiana School of Math, Science, and the Arts and honors the dedication of the Sharon Turcan Gahagan Art Gallery.
Seabaugh voted Yes
Seabaugh voted Yes
Seabaugh voted Yes
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