Pennsylvania Bills

sponsored by Joe Webster

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 908 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, in powers and duties of the Department of General Services and its departmental administrative and advisory boards and commissions, providing for automated external defibrillators in State buildings.
Apr 17 2023 Referred To State Government
Jan 02 2024
HB 689 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in criminal history record information, further providing for definitions, for general regulations, for expungement, for petition for limited access, for clean slate limited access, for exceptions, for effects of expunged records and records subject to limited access and for employer immunity from liability.
Mar 24 2023 Act No. 36 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1131 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of April 27, 1905 (P.L.312, No.218), entitled "An act creating a Department of Health, and defining its powers and duties," further providing for State health centers; and making editorial changes.
May 05 2023 Act No. 50 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1284 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in rules of the road in general, further providing for automated enforcement of failure to stop for school bus with flashing red lights, for automated speed enforcement systems in active work zones and for pilot program for automated speed enforcement system on designated highway and providing for automated speed enforcement study and for pilot program for automated speed enforcement systems in designated school zones; and imposing a penalty.
May 31 2023 Act No. 38 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1160 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in licenses and regulations and liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for sales by liquor licensees and restrictions, for retail dispensers' restrictions on purchases and sales, for breweries and for unlawful acts relative to liquor, malt and brewed beverages and licensees.
May 15 2023 Act No. 51 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 900 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general administration, further providing for State recording system for application of restraints to pregnant prisoners or detainees; in county correctional institutions, further providing for county recording system for application of restraints to pregnant prisoners or detainees; providing for Department of Human Services facilities; and, in miscellaneous provisions, further providing for healthy birth for incarcerated women and providing for restrictive housing prohibited for pregnant or postpartum incarcerated individuals and detainees, for cavity search and inspection restrictions, for training and education requirement, for feminine hygiene and incontinence products and for postpartum recovery.
Apr 12 2023 Act No. 47 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 863 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in employees, further providing for powers and duties of commission.
Apr 10 2023 Act No. 37 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1096 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, establishing the Stop-and-Go Legislative Task Force; and, in licenses and regulations and liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for public venue license and for limiting number of retail licenses to be issued in each county.
May 03 2023 Act No. 49 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1289 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in residential real property, providing for repudiation of discriminatory real estate covenants.
Jun 01 2023 Act No. 54 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1058 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in juvenile matters, further providing for definitions and for notice and hearing.
Apr 28 2023 Act No. 48 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HB 1258 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in terms and courses of study, providing for calculation of average daily membership for a dual credit course.
May 24 2023 Act No. 52 Of 2023
Dec 14 2023
HR 277 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
A Resolution recognizing December 16, 2023, as "Wreaths Across America Day" in Pennsylvania.
Dec 08 2023 Adopted
Dec 13 2023
HB 1861 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, in senior citizens property tax and rent rebate assistance, further providing for definitions.
Nov 30 2023 Laid On The Table
Dec 13 2023
HR 275 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
A Resolution designating December 16, 2023, as "Battle of the Bulge Day" in Pennsylvania.
Dec 08 2023 Adopted
Dec 13 2023
HR 273 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
A Resolution recognizing the month of February 2024 as "Black History Month" in Pennsylvania.
Dec 08 2023 Adopted
Dec 13 2023
HB 301 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, further providing for special provisions applicable to limited school years; in duties and powers of board of school directors, further providing for additional schools and departments; in grounds and buildings, further providing for limitation on new applications for Department of Education approval of public school building projects; in school directors' associations and county boards of school directors, further providing for powers and duties; in intermediate units, further providing for visual services and for school safety and security enhancements; in certification of teachers, further providing for substitute teaching permit for prospective teachers and for locally issued temporary certification for substitute teachers, repealing provisions relating to permit for classroom monitors and providing for permit for classroom monitors; providing for the Educator Pipeline Support Grant Program; in pupils and attendance, further providing for compulsory education of physical defectives, for school lunch and breakfast reimbursement, for dependent children, for actual cost of tuition and maintenance of certain exceptional children in the four chartered schools for education of the deaf and the blind, for payment of cost of tuition and maintenance of certain exceptional children, for transfer of funds for transferal programs and for children under six with defective hearing and parent or guardian advised of schools, etc.; in safe schools, further providing for definitions and for Office for Safe Schools, repealing provisions relating to regulations and to reporting, further providing for policy relating to bullying and for maintenance of records and repealing provisions relating to Safe Schools Advocate in School Districts of the First Class, to standing, to enforcement and to construction of article and other laws; in school safety and security, further providing for definitions and for school safety and security committee, providing for duties of committee, further providing for School Safety and Security Grant Program, providing for Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools and School Entities Program, for standardized protocols, for county safe schools' collaborative and for school mental health grants for 2023-2024 school year, further providing for school safety and security coordinator training and providing for reporting and memorandum of understanding, for safe schools advocate in school districts of the first class and for enforcement; in school security, further providing for definitions, for school police officers, for annual report and for school security guards; in character education program, further providing for character education program; in community colleges, further providing for financial program and reimbursement of payments; in educational tax credits, further providing for definitions, for qualification and application by organizations and for limitations; in school districts of the first class, further providing for qualifications of principals and teachers; in funding for public libraries, providing for State aid for fiscal year 2023-2024; in reimbursements by Commonwealth and between school districts, further providing for definitions and for payments on account of pupils enrolled in career and technical curriculums, for payments on account of courses for exceptional children, for payments to intermediate units, for assistance to school districts declared to be in financial recovery status or identified for financial watch status, for payments, for payments on account of pupil transportation, for Ready-to-Learn Block Grant and for payment of required contribution for public school employees' Social Security; in construction and renovation of buildings by school entities, further providing for applicability; providing for School Environmental Repairs Program; and making an editorial change.
Mar 10 2023 Act No. 33 Of 2023
Dec 13 2023
HB 1300 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in emergency COVID-19 response, providing for declined and unclaimed allocations; providing for 911 emergency communication services and for institutions of purely public charity; in Department of Revenue, providing for exclusion from classes of income; providing for indigent defense; in oil and gas wells, further providing for Oil and Gas Lease Fund; in transportation network companies, motor carrier companies and parking authority of a city of the first class, providing for designated municipal agent and authorized salvor for city of the first class; in human services, providing for medical assistance dental services and packages; providing for Attorney General, for Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council, for Pennsylvania child and dependent care enhancement tax credit program and for additional keystone opportunity expansion zones; in special funds, further providing for funding; in additional special funds and restricted accounts, further providing for establishment of special fund and account, for use of fund and for distributions from Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund and repealing provisions relating to Enhanced Revenue Collection Account; in additional special funds and restricted accounts, further providing for definitions, for Sports Tourism and Marketing Account and for transfer of funds and providing for Service and Infrastructure Improvement Fund; in general budget implementation, further providing for executive offices, for Department of Agriculture, for Department of Community and Economic Development, for Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, for Department of Health, for Department of Human Services and for Pennsylvania State Police, providing for Commonwealth Financing Authority, further providing for Federal and Commonwealth use of forest land and for Multimodal Transportation Fund and repealing provisions relating to sales by distilleries; providing for 2023-2024 budget implementation, for 2023-2024 restrictions on appropriations for funds and accounts, for 2023-2024 fund transfers and for prior year appropriations; making repeals; and making an editorial change.
May 30 2023 Act No. 34 Of 2023
Dec 13 2023
HB 1280 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, in administrative organization, further providing for Pennsylvania State Police.
May 31 2023 Re-Referred To Appropriations
Dec 12 2023
HB 1542 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act establishing the Electric School Bus Grant Program and the Electric School Bus Grant Program Fund; providing for duties of the Department of Education; and making an appropriation.
Jun 29 2023 Laid On The Table
Dec 12 2023
HB 1886 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
An Act providing for the Pennsylvania Promise Pilot Program; prescribing powers and duties of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency; providing for scholarships for tuition and fees, scholarships for room and board and aid for adult reeducation; and establishing the Pennsylvania Promise Pilot Program Fund.
Dec 06 2023 Laid On The Table
Dec 12 2023

Showing 281 to 300 of 1749 bills