A 9244

  • New York Assembly Bill
  • 2023 Regular Session
  • Introduced in Assembly
  • Assembly
  • Senate
  • Governor

Makes major revisions to provisions of the alcoholic beverage control law relating to the issuance of licenses and hours of operation; repealer


Relates to the effectiveness of provisions of law relating to the powers of the chairman and members of the state liquor authority (Part A); provides for certain temporary permits (Part B); authorizes special permits to remain open during certain hours of the morning (Part C); permits certain retail licensees to purchase wine and liquor from certain other retail licensees (Part D); relates to permissible sales by license holders (Part E); allows multiple off-premises licenses (Part F); relates to licensing restrictions for manufacturers and wholesalers of alcoholic beverages and retail licensees (Part G); relates to the approval of seven day licenses to sell liquor at retail for consumption off the premises (Part H); adjusts licensing fees regarding certain alcoholic beverages (Part I); relates to notifying municipalities of the filing of certain applications (Part J); relates to changes of ownership of a licensed business (Part K); relates to the issuance of temporary retail permits; makes permanent certain provisions relating to liquidator's permits and temporary retail permits (Part L); establishes a temporary wholesale permit and allows multiple wholesale licenses owned by the same person or entity to be located at the same premises (Part M); relates to licenses issued for on-premises consumption within a certain distance of a building occupied as a school, church, synagogue or other place of worship with consent of such building's owner or administrator (Part N); permits licenses for premises located within five hundred feet of other premises outside of certain counties (Part O); permits the sale of wine and liquor on levels other than street level (Part P).

Bill Sponsors (2)


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Feb 22, 2024



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