HB 1213
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to medical marijuana designated caregivers; to amend and reenact section 19‑03.1‑01, subsection 5 of section 19‑03.1‑05, subsection 1 of section 19‑03.1‑22.2, section 19‑03.1‑22.3, subsections 1, 7, and 9 of section 19‑03.1‑23, subsection 12 of section 19‑03.4‑01, sections 19‑03.4‑03, 19‑03.4‑04, and 19‑24.1‑01, subdivision a of subsection 2 of section 19‑24.1‑03, subsection 3 of section 19‑24.1‑04, sections 19‑24.1‑10 and 19‑24.1‑13, paragraph 2 of subdivision d of subsection 1 of section 19‑24.1‑14, subdivision a of subsection 1 of section 19‑24.1‑15, subdivision a of subsection 2 of section 19‑24.1‑16, section 19‑24.1‑17, subsection 4 of section 19‑24.1‑18, subsection 2 of section 19‑24.1‑20, subsection 3 of section 19‑24.1‑26, subsection 2 of section 19‑24.1‑37, section 19‑24.1‑39, subsection 1 of section 39‑20‑01, and section 39‑20‑14 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the medical marijuana program; to provide for a legislative management report; to provide a penalty; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 11 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 05/03
May 24 2021
HB 1298
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to participation in athletic events exclusively for males or females.
Jan 11 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/27
Apr 27 2021
HB 1493
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to air ambulance services.
Jan 18 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/23
Apr 27 2021
HB 1181
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to a defendant's fitness to proceed; and to amend and reenact sections 12.1‑04‑04, 12.1‑04‑06, 12.1‑04‑07, and 12.1‑04‑08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a defendant's fitness to proceed.
Jan 11 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/22
Apr 23 2021
SB 2202
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to a property tax exemption for property leased for the provision of early childhood or adult day care services; and to provide an effective date.
Jan 14 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/22
Apr 23 2021
HB 1205
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to establishing the maternal mortality review committee; to provide for a continuing appropriation; and to provide for a report to the legislative management and other agencies.
Jan 11 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/20
Apr 21 2021
HCR 3011
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying and researching the impact of substance abuse and neonatal withdrawal syndrome, including a focus on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), including treatment, services available, potential prevention, and whether existing policies for children and adults are appropriate.
Jan 12 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/20
Apr 20 2021
HCR 3021
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying the factors contributing to the nation's firearm and ammunition shortage and the impact the shortage has had on the quality of life for North Dakota citizens.
Jan 28 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/20
Apr 20 2021
HB 1187
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to creation of a Bank of North Dakota rebuilders loan program and a rebuilders permanent loan fund; to repeal sections 6‑09‑46 and 6‑09‑46.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a rebuilders loan program, a rebuilders home loan program, and a rebuilders home loan fund; to provide a continuing appropriation; and to provide for a transfer.
Jan 11 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/13
Apr 14 2021
SB 2249
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to deposits of the state's share of oil and gas taxes; and to provide an effective date.
Jan 18 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 04/01
Apr 05 2021
HB 1405
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to an income tax credit for the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities or severe mental illness; to amend and reenact section 57‑38‑01.16 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to an income tax credit for the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities or severe mental illness; to provide an effective date; and to provide an expiration date.
Jan 18 2021 |
Filed With Secretary Of State 03/24
Mar 26 2021
SB 2201
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to requiring the state to observe daylight saving time year round; to repeal section 40‑01‑20 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to daylight saving time; and to provide ana contingent effective date.
Jan 14 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 25 Nays 67
Mar 10 2021
HCR 3039
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying student internships and compensation for student interns.
Feb 24 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Adopt
Mar 05 2021
HCR 3033
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A concurrent resolution calling for a convention to amend the United States Constitution to impose term limits on members of Congress.
Feb 05 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Adopt Yeas 26 Nays 65
Mar 03 2021
HB 1354
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to the commission on guardianship; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 50‑24.1‑07 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the commission on guardianship and exempt administrative agencies; to provide a penalty; to provide for a legislative management report; and to provide a continuing appropriation.
Jan 14 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 41 Nays 53
Feb 24 2021
HB 1340
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to prohibiting entry onto private landproperty without permission.
Jan 14 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 37 Nays 56
Feb 23 2021
HB 1348
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to prohibiting the testing of wastewater for genetic material or evidence of disease; and to provide a penalty.
Jan 14 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 24 Nays 70
Feb 09 2021
HB 1178
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to hunting licenses for nonresident members of the armed forces.
Jan 11 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 14 Nays 76
Feb 08 2021
HB 1468
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to informed consent and notice of risks associated with vaccines; and to provide a penalty.
Jan 18 2021 |
Motion To Reconsider Failed
Feb 05 2021
HB 1377
(67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to immunization exemptions; and to amend and reenact section 23‑07‑17.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to immunization requirements for students.
Jan 18 2021 |
Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 21 Nays 72
Feb 04 2021