North Dakota Bills

sponsored by Ray Holmberg

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HB 1395 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
AN ACT to adjust state agency spending authority approved by the emergency commission and budget section; to provide a statement of legislative intent; to provide an appropriation; to provide an exemption; to provide for retroactive application; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 05/10
May 24 2021
HB 1452 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to a clean sustainable energy authority and a clean sustainable energy fund; to amend and reenact sections 17‑01‑01 and 17‑07‑01 and subsection 5 of section 54‑44.4‑02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to low‑emission technology, the energy policy commission, and an exemption from procurement services for energy programs; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide an appropriation; to provide a transfer; and to provide a report.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/26
Apr 29 2021
SB 2290 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to emergency commission and budget section approval to accept and disburse federal and other funds; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 25 2021 Passed Over Veto, Yeas 75 Nays 11
Apr 28 2021
HB 1394 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
AN ACT to provide an appropriation for costs related to COVID-19 and other services; to provide an exemption; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/23
Apr 27 2021
HB 1503 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to higher education student and faculty free speech; to amend and reenact section 15‑10.4‑02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to free speech policies of institutions under the control of the state board of higher education; and to provide a penalty.
Feb 05 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/19
Apr 20 2021
SB 2232 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to the annual observance of Juneteenth; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/13
Apr 14 2021
HB 1447 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to higher education student identification cardsvoting documents; and to amend and reenact section 16.1‑01‑04.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to acceptable forms of identification for purposes of voting.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/09
Apr 14 2021
SB 2220 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to the dispensing and selling of alcoholic beverages on Sunday; and to provide a penalty.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/01
Apr 05 2021
SB 2292 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to mortgage modifications; and to amend and reenact sections 35‑03‑14 and 35‑03‑15 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the expiration and extension of real estate mortgages.
Jan 25 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/01
Apr 05 2021
SB 2197 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to confidentiality of facts and information obtained or created by the commissioner of financial institutions and the department of financial institutions.
Jan 13 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/01
Apr 05 2021
SCR 4005 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to voting on constitutional amendments at general elections and constitutional amendments proposed by the legislative assembly.
Jan 18 2021 Second Reading, Failed To Adopt Yeas 23 Nays 71
Mar 29 2021
SB 2191 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to the disposal of abandoned personal property.
Jan 12 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 03/24
Mar 25 2021
SB 2147 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to high school graduation and curriculum requirements.
Jan 08 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 03/23
Mar 24 2021
HCR 3028 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A concurrent resolution urging Congress to include state and local 911 dispatchers as qualified public safety employees and therefore not subject to the early distribution tax under the Internal Revenue Code retirement provisions.
Jan 28 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 03/12
Mar 12 2021
SB 2249 (66th Legislative Assembly (2019-2020))
AN ACT to create and enact sections 15‑11‑40 and 57‑51.1‑07.9 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the state energy research center and the state energy research center fund; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide a report; and to provide an expiration date.
Jan 14 2019 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/24
Apr 25 2019
SB 2362 (66th Legislative Assembly (2019-2020))
AN ACT to amend and reenact section 57‑51.1‑07 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the allocation of oil extraction tax; to provide a contingent appropriation; to provide for a transfer; to provide an effective date; and to declare an emergency.
Mar 07 2019 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/12
Apr 18 2019
SB 2320 (66th Legislative Assembly (2019-2020))
AN ACT to create and enact chapter 15‑10.4 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to free speech at institutions under the control of the state board of higher education.
Jan 18 2019 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/15
Apr 18 2019
HCR 3006 (66th Legislative Assembly (2019-2020))
A concurrent resolution to amend and reenact section 7 of article IV of the Constitution of North Dakota, relating to reconvening of the legislative assembly to consider a veto.
Jan 03 2019 Second Reading, Failed To Adopt Yeas 14 Nays 32
Apr 16 2019
SB 2328 (66th Legislative Assembly (2019-2020))
AN ACT to create and enact a new chapter to title 4.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the agricultural products utilization commission; to repeal chapter 54‑60.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the agricultural products utilization commission; and to provide a report.
Jan 18 2019 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/10
Apr 11 2019
HB 1203 (66th Legislative Assembly (2019-2020))
AN ACT to amend and reenact section 37‑17.1‑22 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to response and recovery costs of disasters or emergencies.
Jan 03 2019 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/05
Apr 08 2019

Showing 1 to 20 of 43 bills