North Dakota Bills

sponsored by Randy Burckhard

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
SB 2226 (68th Legislative Assembly (2023-24))
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 16.1-06-09 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the required form for measures to amend the constitution and the manner of placing the measures on ballots.
Jan 12 2023 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 6 Nays 87
Mar 13 2023
HB 1185 (68th Legislative Assembly (2023-24))
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 15.1-36-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to loans from the coal development trust fund for school construction projects affected by unanticipated construction inflation; to provide an expiration date; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 09 2023 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 3 Nays 43
Mar 09 2023
HB 1300 (68th Legislative Assembly (2023-24))
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 57-15-16 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a building fund mill levy without voter approval for school buildings of a certain age.
Jan 11 2023 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 0 Nays 93
Feb 02 2023
SB 2337 (68th Legislative Assembly (2023-24))
A BILL for an Act to create and enact two new sections to chapter 54-44 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to services provided to occupational and professional boards; and to amend and reenact sections 6-09-07 and 54-59-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to occupational and professional board financial and information technology requirements.
Jan 17 2023 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 1 Nays 46
Jan 30 2023
SB 2342 (68th Legislative Assembly (2023-24))
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of commerce for a downtown hospital building grant program and a rural workforce hospital grant program; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 18 2023 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 4 Nays 43
Jan 30 2023
HB 1299 (68th Legislative Assembly (2023-24))
A BILL for an Act create and enact a new section to chapter 16.1-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to documentary proof of citizenship in elections; and to amend and reenact section 16.1-01-04.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, regarding proof of citizenship.
Jan 11 2023 Withdrawn From Further Consideration
Jan 20 2023
SB 2245 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
AN ACT to provide an appropriation to the agriculture commissioner for an intermodal facility grant program; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 05/03
May 24 2021
SB 2139 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to the creation of neighborhood zones and neighborhood zone incentives; and to provide an effective date.
Jan 05 2021 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 6 Nays 41
Apr 27 2021
HB 1175 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to business immunity from COVID‑19 liability claims; to provide for retroactive application; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 11 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/23
Apr 27 2021
HB 1183 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to requiring public health units to adopt the technical guide for onsite wastewater recycling treatment and establishing the onsite wastewater recycling technical committee; and to provide for application.
Jan 11 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/23
Apr 27 2021
HB 1181 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to a defendant's fitness to proceed; and to amend and reenact sections 12.1‑04‑04, 12.1‑04‑06, 12.1‑04‑07, and 12.1‑04‑08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a defendant's fitness to proceed.
Jan 11 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/22
Apr 23 2021
SB 2293 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to statements of full consideration.
Jan 25 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/22
Apr 23 2021
SB 2146 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
AN ACT to provide an appropriation to the office of management and budget for accessibility improvements on the state capitol grounds; to provide a statement of legislative intent; and to declare an emergency.
Jan 08 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/20
Apr 21 2021
SB 2124 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to authority of local elected officials and governing bodies of political subdivisions during a disaster or emergency and permitting a virtual special session of the legislative assembly during an emergency or disaster; and to amend and reenact subsection 12 of section 23‑01‑05 and section 37‑17.1‑05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the state health officer's and governor's authority during a declared disaster or emergency; and to provide a penalty.
Jan 05 2021 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 10 Nays 36
Apr 21 2021
HB 1284 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to alcohol event permits and prohibitions for individuals under twenty‑one years of age; and to provide a penalty.
Jan 11 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/20
Apr 21 2021
SB 2187 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to criminal history background checks and licensure and regulation of nutritionists and dietitians; to amend and reenact sections 43‑44‑01, 43‑44‑02, 43‑44‑03, 43‑44‑05, 43‑44‑06, 43‑44‑07, 43‑44‑08, 43‑44‑09, 43‑44‑10, 43‑44‑12, 43‑44‑13, 43‑44‑15, 43‑44‑16, and 43‑44‑17 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the regulation and licensure of nutritionists and dietitians; and to provide a penalty.
Jan 12 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/16
Apr 20 2021
HCR 3023 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A concurrent resolution urging Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to prohibit changing the number of justices serving on the United States Supreme Court and that the amendment should state the Supreme Court of the United States shall be composed of nine justices.
Jan 28 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/16
Apr 16 2021
SB 2266 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
A BILL for an Act to provide for review of occupational and professional laws and rules to update outdated references to good character.
Jan 18 2021 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 16 Nays 75
Apr 12 2021
HB 1215 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to an outdoor heritage revolving loangrasslands fund; to amend and reenact section 54‑17.8‑0257‑51.1‑07.5 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a transfer of funds to the outdoor heritage revolving loan fundthe state share of oil and gas tax revenue allocations; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide a transfer; and to provide an effective date.
Jan 11 2021 Second Reading, Failed To Pass, Yeas 0 Nays 47
Apr 09 2021
HB 1461 (67th Legislative Assembly (2021-2022))
Relating to filling vacancies in offices of members of the legislative assembly; to amend and reenact sections 44‑02‑03 and 54‑03‑01.13 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to filling vacancies in offices of members of the legislative assembly; and to repeal section 16.1‑13‑10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to vacancies in offices of members of the legislative assembly.
Jan 18 2021 Filed With Secretary Of State 04/01
Apr 05 2021

Showing 21 to 40 of 123 bills