Minnesota Bills

sponsored by Kelly Moller

Bill Title Introduced Latest Action↓
HF 1989 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Ticket sale disclosure required, ticket sale conduct prohibited, data disclosure to the commissioner of commerce required, and enforcement allowed by the commissioner of commerce.
Feb 20 2023 Effective Date 01/01/2025
Jan 01 2025
HF 3204 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Parenting time and spousal maintenance provisions modified, antenuptial and postnuptial agreements governing provisions modified and updated, assisted reproduction rights and responsibilities established, and revisor of statutes directed to update terms used in statute.
Apr 04 2023 Effective Date 08/01/2024
Aug 01 2024
HF 5216 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Judiciary, public safety, and corrections supplemental budget bill.
Apr 02 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 123 05/24/24
May 24 2024
HF 3438 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Failure to disclose mandatory fees in advertising added as a deceptive trade practice.
Feb 12 2024 Secretary Of State Chapter 111 05/20/24
May 20 2024
HF 1064 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Citizens United; a resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment; asking that Congress propose a constitutional amendment to provide such clarification.
Jan 30 2023 Author Added Edelson
May 20 2024
SF 37 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Constitutional amendment providing for equality under the law
Jan 05 2023 Laid On Table
May 19 2024
HF 173 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Equality under law provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Jan 09 2023 Author Stricken Norris
May 18 2024
HF 300 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Social Security; individual income tax provisions modified, and public pension benefit subtraction established.
Jan 11 2023 Author Added Tabke
May 18 2024
HF 2609 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Gun trafficking investigations and firearm seizures report required by Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and Violent Crime Enforcement Teams, trigger activator definition amended, and transferring firearms to persons who are ineligible to possess firearms penalties increased.
Mar 06 2023 Bill Was Repassed As Amended By Conference
May 17 2024
HF 4273 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Rainbow flag bans prohibited.
Feb 26 2024 Laid On Table
May 15 2024
HF 3566 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Electronic waste collection and recycling program established, accounts created, report required, and money appropriated.
Feb 12 2024 Author Added Fischer
May 13 2024
HF 3872 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Judiciary provisions policy and technical changes made, including data practices, family law, judiciary policy, guardianships, public defense, and civil law; data classified; and crimes established.
Feb 15 2024 Second Reading
May 13 2024
HF 4315 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Ramsey County; Biff Adams Arena capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Feb 26 2024 Author Added Fischer
May 13 2024
HF 4300 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Firearm safe storage standards established and criminal penalties provided for failing to meet those standards, and money appropriated.
Feb 26 2024 Second Reading
May 06 2024
HF 5412 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Driver's license suspensions expanded to include all cases where a person is believed to have committed criminal vehicular homicide or criminal vehicular operation, and peace officers required to report all cases of offenses.
Apr 24 2024 Authors Added Moller And Tabke
May 01 2024
HF 779 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Issuance of grant required to support stillbirth prevention through tracking fetal movement pilot program, and money appropriated.
Jan 25 2023 Authors Added Moller And Wiens
May 01 2024
HF 601 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Lost and stolen firearms required to be reported promptly to law enforcement, and money appropriated.
Jan 19 2023 Referred To Finance
Apr 30 2024
HF 3510 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Ramsey County; Rice Creek Commons project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Feb 12 2024 Author Added Hemmingsen-Jaeger
Apr 24 2024
HF 4394 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Gender inclusion education policy required.
Feb 28 2024 Author Added Hemmingsen-Jaeger
Apr 24 2024
HF 3726 (2023-2024 Regular Session)
Caregiver respite care services grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
Feb 13 2024 Author Added Freiberg
Apr 18 2024

Showing 1 to 20 of 754 bills